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Y/N looks through the glass of the fish tank at the new eels that have just arrived.  She carefully places her hands on the glass and presses her nose against it, to get a closer look.

The weekend's over, so the I.M.P members are back in action inside the headquarters.  M&M are chatting on the couch while Loona is leaning against her desk, looking askance at the little hellhound still with contempt. 

The pup turns to see the door next to her that leads to -as the giant sign on it says- Blitzø's office.  Her father has been locked up there for a while and her curiosity is growing, so she turns to her mentors.

Y/N: What's my dad doing in there?

Loona lets out a small growling sigh at that specific word.

Moxxie, still holding onto his wife's hands, responds to Y/N.

Moxxie: He's talking to a new client.

Y/N: Who is it?

Moxxie: It's just another sinner.

The young hellhound's eyes widen.

Y/N: Ooooh!  I've never seen a sinner before!

Loona: That's because they hardly ever come to IMP City, moron.

Moxxie rolls his eyes at Loona's need to insult.  Millie to divert Y/N's attention - even though she seems so caught up in her excitement at seeing a sinner that she ignored her sister - she places her hand on her shoulder.

Millie: BUT if this business improves, more of those sinners'll come to ask us to kill more humans, so you'll have the chance to see more of them.

The little hellhound's excitement faded the moment Millie brought up the subject of murder.  Moxxie notices her change in mood as his wife places her hand on the back of her neck thoughtfully.

Millie: Although maybe you shouldn't know all of them, they're sinners after all, it might not be very safe.

Y/N looks away, forgetting about the sinners and focusing on the subject of murder. 

Not liking that has caused her trouble fitting in since the foundation and even now.  She looks back at M&M and tilts her head.

Y/N: Why do you kill?

Loona scoffs, it's still pathetic for her that a hellhound is so delicate. The lovebirds Imps look at each other in confusion.

Millie: Well, we like it, don't you?

Y/N shakes her head, further confusing her mentors.

Millie: But.. this is what this company's about, it's what we're paid to do and it's what we've been trainin' you for.  You asked to work in this company and become as good an assassin as your father, didn't you?

The hellhound cub turns to her older sister, seeking help on what to answer now, she knows she can't tell them she wanted to work here to spend more time with Blitzø or she'll disappoint her father.  However, Loona just stares at her, her red eyes blazing with hate, leaving Y/N to her fate.

However, before Y/N could think of what to say, Moxxie speaks first as he settles on the couch.

Moxxie: I understand what you're thinking.

They all turn to look at him expectantly for his answer.

Moxxie: You think we just go and kill any innocent soul.  But in reality, we usually kill whoever deserves it, some bastard who screwed up the life of the sinner who hires us.

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