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Blitzø collapses into the first seat he finds and sighs, his whole body slackening.

Blitzø: Ugh.. Taking care of a hyperactive child is really fucking exhausting.

Loona: You literally haven't even started.

The adult hellhound puts the grimoire away seconds after just closing the portal for M&M to walk through.

The Imp, who must now take responsibility for the little girl, sighs exhausted once more.  Without any energy to take care of the kid.

Suddenly he feels a slight tug on the sleeve of his outfit, he turns his gaze to see that Y/N already requires attention.

Blitzø: What?

Y/N: Can we eat something?  I'm hungry.

Blitzø: You just had breakfast..

Y/N: No I didn't.

He sits up straight, annoyed to see her face.

Blitzø: Didn't I make you breakfast?

The little hellhound shakes her head as she puts her hands on her belly.

Blitzø: Ugh shit...

The annoyed Imp watches as the little fuzz makes hungry eyes at him as she waits for an answer.  But Blitzø is not in the mood.

Blitzø: Don't make me African child eyes!  I thought maybe Looney would make you something to eat or something.

Loona: Obviously not.

Blitzø looks at Loona annoyed, knowing that he is looking bad with this and it is only the beginning and he has no one to blame for.

She didn't only have breakfast, but he hasn't eaten anything for a whole day.  Well... it's HER fault for not telling him before... right?

Oh for fuck sake, and he thought dealing with children was easier than dealing with a teenager.. A kid doesn't even know how to cook.

Blitzø thinks for a few seconds and analyzes his two choices...

Go outside and give Y/N something to eat.. Or train her to earn more money and free service for his business..

The silence is broken by Y/N's stomach starting to growl.

Y/N: Can we eat something?

Welp! Time to follow his father example.

Blitzø: Yeah no, I'm sorry kid, but you're here to work, not on vacation.  You're here to give me money, not spend it so...

He gets up from his seat, picks up the young hellhound from her arms and places her in front of him.

Blitzø: Training starts NOW..

Loona immediately takes out her cell phone and starts recording to enjoy this moment forever.

Y/N, still hungry, nods her head excited since she's still going to spend more time with her dad.

They stay like this for a few seconds until Blitzø gets uncomfortable realizing he has no idea how to start.

Blitzø: So... uh.. what weapons do you know how to use?

Y/N: Huh?

Blitzø: Yes, you know... Firearms, white weapons, melee?..

The little hellhound turns her head in confusion as Blitzo despairs.

Blitzø: Like.. Pistols, shotguns, combat, assault, or precision rifles, revolvers, machine guns, submachine guns, snipers?..

The frustrated Imp waits for a response from Y/N who's spacing out, from hearing so many stuff she doesn't understand.  Meanwhile Loona's holding back her laughter as Blitzø tries to find a way to begin.

Blitzø: Or how about a white weapon?  Halberds, bayonets, daggers, knives... you've seen knives in your life before I'm sure!  You can kill with that, EVEN WITH A FUCKING PENCIL YOU CAN KILL!  COME ON!!  You can kill someone with ANYTHING!! NAME IT!! JUST NAME IT!!!

Y/N's attention quickly returns and she responds instantly.

Y/N: Oh!  I know how to use a knife!

Blitzø: YOU DO?!

A smile of frustration and impatience forms on Blitzo's face.

Y/N: Yes!  And also a fork!  I use them to eat, because I have good table manners!

Blitzø's smile disappears as quickly as it came.  And the mood worsens when Y/N's stomach growls again.

Y/N: Can I eat something now?

Blitzø: NO...

Loona can't take it anymore and gets some of her laugh out of it.

Blitzø tries to think about what he can do, stressed that he's being ridiculed for a kid in front of Loona. But an idea pops into his head, a way to start training her from scratch.

Blitzø: Alright, since you don't know shit about weapons then close combat would be a good start.

Y/N: Close combat?

Blitzø: Exactly, now show me what you got.

He clenches his fists, steps a couple of steps back and gets into a fighting stance.

The pup observes Blitzø's position and mimics it in a poor way without understanding what to do.

Y/N: Now what?

Blitzø: Hit me.


Blitzø: Just, hit me!

The adult hellhound zooms in on her camera and gets excited.

Loona: Oh satan, this is gonna be good.

Y/N breaks her poor fighting stance for a few seconds.

Y/N: But... I don't want to hit you.

Blitzø laughs hysterically in frustration, losing his temper once again.

Blitzø: Like it's going to hurt.. COME ON, TRY IT.

The hellhound cub isn't convinced yet but she can feel her father desperation get worse, so she feels she has no choice but to try.

Y/N: Ok..

Blitzø finally smirks knowing he's already getting to something.

Y/N takes a deep breath and runs nervously towards Blitzo, intending to slap him or something, she doesn't even know but she has to try.

But as soon as she gets close enough and reaches her open hand towards him, Blitzø easily dodges it and puts his foot in front of her making her to trip and fall to the ground.

Loona laughs as Y/N gets up and dusts off her dress. The young hellhound looks worriedly at Blitzø who is rubbing his temples in frustration knowing there's a lot of work to do.

He looks at Loona who's still recording, and although he wants to punch the kid for what she makes him go through, he must play along or he'll be more humiliated.

He smiles and helps the young hellhound shake the dust of her dress as he thinks of a better idea.

Blitzø: Why don't we practice with something simpler?

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