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The liquor store clerk leaves the pharmacy with his medicine and some condoms in his hand. He turns the corner, grumbling, when he's suddenly tackled by a figure he cannot see. The items he bought fall to the ground.

His mouth is covered as he tries to protest and he's dragged deeper into the dark alley next door. It's not until he's lifted by his shirt and slammed against the brick wall, where he can see his captor.

Blitzø: Alright shorty, it's time to give you that lesson I promised you.

The employee saw the little girl again, watching with fear and amazement as her father had him pinned against the wall with ease.


Blitzø then presses his throat tightly, preventing him from speaking, while looking at Y/N with a smile.

Blitzø: You see, what happened back there, we can't allow it to happen again. So if some nasty mentally ill person TELLS or TOUCHES you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, you should....

For every emphasis the hitman makes, he presses harder on the middle-aged Imp's throat, hurting him even more. The little hellhound knows her mentor's waiting for an answer, but seeing the "mutilator" trying to free himself without success and struggling to breathe leaves her speechless.

Blitzø: Hmm, you don't know?

He turns to look at the Imp he has subdued and releases a little pressure on his grip so he can breathe.

Blitzø: What about you, damn pervert? What d'ya think she should do?

The employee sucks in air and coughs, he tries to free himself once again but Blitzø's strength is still much greater than his, so he nervously tries to cooperate with whatever this twisted game is.

Clerk: S-Say no?..

Blitzø gets close to his face and whispers with a deranged smile.

Blitzø: As if that's gonna stop you, motherfucker..

He then turns away from him and with a silly smile goes to the pup.

Blitzø: What you must do is defend yourself! Now pay attention to this, sweetie,  cause I'll test ya later.

Despite the mix of emotions she feels, Y/N nods and perks her ears up.

Clerk: H-Hold on man, let's.. l-let's take a minute to-..

But the hitman applied more strength to hold him against the wall once again.

Blitzø: One of the best ways to defend yourself against a predator like this one is by knowing where to strike. For example... When you punch him here...

Without giving him a second to prepare, Blitzø punches him straight in the stomach. Y/N shudders when she sees the clerk doubles over in pain.

Blitzø: ... you take the air out of him.. And when you strike HERE...

He knees him in the face. A cracking noise is overshadowed by a cry of pain that startles the little hellhound. Black blood sprays from the middle-aged Imp's nostrils onto the floor and walls.

Blitzø: disorient him!

Y/N sees the demon staggering, trying to escape while covering his bleeding face, but his mentor isn't done yet. Blitzø stomps on its tail to stop him from running away.

Blitzø: Oh, I almost forgot...

With a macabre smile, the hitman kicks him in the knee, causing it to crack and another cry of pain echo through the alley. Y/N wonders if anyone might hear his screams, but nobody comes..

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