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The water runs down the smooth floor, while a mop passes over it, from one side to the other. The floor in the lobby of the Hellhound Adoption Center shines and looks cheerful, compared to the interior, where the rest of the hellhounds are waiting to be adopted.

At the front desk, a young adult Imp sits while he watches over a 10-year-old hellhound, who's mopping.

The young cub continues to mop from one side to the other, absorbed in her thoughts, ignoring the Imp who's staring at her. She's only distracted, when a shadow completely covers her, causing her to look behind her so that the shadow's mysterious silhouette is revealed.

The manager, a fat old, gray-haired, bespectacled hellhound, looks at her with disappointment. The little orphan narrows her eyes in contempt, despite the pain she feels from her black eye.

Lady: What's your excuse now, Loona?

The little hellhound lets out a small growl and rolls her eyes.

Loona: Some idiot pulled my tail..

The lady from the adoption center lowers her gaze and shakes her head as she adjusts her glasses.

Lady. Oh Loona... you're hopeless.

Loona looks away and sighs, knowing her typical scolding is coming.

Lady: It's been three days in a row I've been notified that you're getting into a fight with someone, and you don't even seem to care that you broke that boy's nose.

The orphaned hellhound grips the mop stick tightly and looks at the manager defiantly.

Loona: And what if I don't care?

Lady: It seems that despite your punishments you don't learn. We've made you clean every inch of the foundation, forbidden you to eat, and spanked you with the ruler, but still, it's not enough for you..

The little hellhound, however, smiles mischievously at her, still challenging the lady with her eyes, proud that she can't control her. But the lady keeps a neutral face, unaffected by the pup's glares.

Lady: If you don't behave, we'll have no choice but to force you to use the electric collar.

Suddenly, Loona's gaze widened with concern and all the control she felt had vanished in the blink of an eye.

She remembers a roommate who, when trying to escape from the place, was punished by putting one of those electric collars on him. She remembers him screaming and seeing him writhe in pain in front of everyone, as a test of what would happen if they reached the limit of patience of the employees of the place.

She has no choice but to look away with disdain. The lady turns around, and before leaving, she speaks to the pup, with disappointment in her voice.

Lady: Now behave yourself, young lady, or you'll never be adopted.

Loona sighs in frustration and goes back to mopping, feeling contempt for the lady, the boys she fought with and everyone else.

Out of the corner of her eye, she notices Randy, the Imp receptionist of the place, who winks at her. She grunts and mops harder, hating it when the adults pretend to be nice when it's clear they're only looking at her to make sure she's doing her job right.

However, despite the fact that it's obvious she's carrying out her punishment, the Imp doesn't stop taking his eyes off her.

Suddenly the main door opens and a couple of Baphonet demons walk through the door, interested in adopting. The manager of the place approaches them to welcome them with all the laziness in the world as always.

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