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The darkness was enveloping for Y/N, who was barely able to see around with her night vision so as not to bump with the furniture.

She felt the cold wooden floor against her pads as she walked, her muscles filled with tension as her eyes darted from side to side, barely aware of the breath she held every time she heard a creak.

With her ears pricked, turning from side to side, the young hellhound directed her red eyes, which glowed in the darkness, towards a barely visible chest of drawers, or rather, what was above it. The small black cardboard box was still intact and safe, for now.

Y/N lifted her nose to sniff the air, and let out a low growl.

Y/N: They're everywhere..

The cub's ear twitched before she raised them fully, tensing her muscles even more and gripping the hilt of the weapon she held in her small hands even tighter, bracing herself.

The silence was almost disturbing, especially when she knew perfectly well that she wasn't alone.

A quick creak of wood sounded from behind, making the hellhound turn around completely, alert. But she was only able to see the flash of a shadow swiftly hiding behind the TV cabinet, causing her fur to stand on end.

Y/N: Got ya..

Y/N approached cautiously, gun in hand, reminding herself she must act quickly as soon as she found the intruder.

However, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the turned off television on the cabinet, and in the dark reflection of it, a pair of yellow eyes, stealthily slipping towards the chest of drawers. The pup gasped and turned quickly towards him, forgetting her caution and loading the gun.


She aimed her gun as quickly as she could and barely rubbed the trigger with her finger when she felt a strong blow throughout her body as she was attacked by the ruffian who was hiding in the shadows.

Y/N lost her breath as her side was slammed into the hard wooden floor, and felt the gun slip from her fingers, sliding a few feet away.

Y/N: Agh! No!

She extended her arm towards the weapon, but instantly felt the weight of her opponent holding her arms and pinning her to the ground.

She knew she had to be fast. In a desperate attempt, the pup began to kick with all her might, pushing the bandit and freeing herself from her relentless grip for a few seconds. When the ruffian tried to grab her legs, Y/N rolled on the ground with the agility of a cat in the direction of the weapon and crawled as fast as she could to reach it. That weapon being her only hope of defense.

However, her opponent quickly rushed towards her and pulled her by one shoulder, taking her away from her only salvation. Y/N was lifted her to her knees as the bandit was standing behind her and applying a lock, squeezing the kid's arms against her chest and dragging her away from the weapon.

The hellhound squirmed and kicked frantically, but the thief's grip was too strong. She watched her weapon helplessly as she was pulled away from it, and behind it the thin legs of the second bandit. Looking up, Y/N saw the bright yellow eyes of the demon who had been watching her struggle.

She looked at her opponent with pleading eyes, but she didn't even look back, rather, she just stared at her colleague and made a gesture with her head so that he would remember what they had come from. Her loyal ally nodded, and headed to the small cardboard box.

Panicking, Y/N snapped bites into the air but failed to cause even a flinch. Time was running out, she COULD NOT fail.

In an effort to break free of her opponent once again, she planted her paws on the wooden floor, digging her claws into it, complicating her attacker to drag her as she was trying to regain her balance.

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