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Loona leans back on her desk in relief and wipes the sweat from her head hidden by her forelock, familiarizing with the still messy headquarters.

Loona: So that's why Blitzø won't let me go to the human world heh.

She turns to see the little hellhound who's just standing there with her head down, breathing heavily. Loona's relief fades as she sees the pup's condition. It's obvious to know she's not well after everything that happened.

Loona gets up and walks towards Y/N somewhat doubtful of her action, so she only takes a couple of steps forward. Now that she brought the little hellhound back after her fight and being chased by psychopaths, she doesn't know exactly what to do next.

Although she already knows the answer, the only thing that occurs to her is to ask.

Loona: Uh...are you alright?

However, Y/N doesn't respond, she keeps quiet, which isn't common for her. The adult hellhound can't help but feel some discomfort seeing the hyperactive little girl so... still.

She then hesitantly raises her hand, not knowing what she should do. Loona imagines the reality shock that naive pup just had after finding herself with those nasty humans in that world that seemed so captivating for her.

She knows how hard it is to grow up with a life of illusions and suddenly have everything taken from you making you see the misery of reality, because she went through that, on her own.

Maybe if... there'd been someone by her side to support her, things would have been... different.

Not really knowing what she's doing, Loona puts her hand on the little fluff's shoulder.

Loona: Hey..

The physical contact brought the little hellhound back to reality. Y/N looks up and turns to see the adult hellhound, her pupils like slits.

The look of terror in those eyes that were usually shining brightly from joy, is like a cheap shot for Loona. The adult hellhound shakes her head trying to forget that stare, thinking on a way to brush her worries away.

Loona: Look, I know what you saw was fucked up, okay? That's why I didn't want to take you to the world of the living, but you kept insisting, the human world is dangerous and...

The hellhound hesitates, she doesn't want to scold the pup or blame her, she's getting off topic. She knows she should fix this but she can't find the right words.

Loona looks away and droops her ears, looking at the place full of ashes as she wonders why it's so hard to think of what to say now.

Y/N: You came for me...

Loona: Huh?

Loona feels the confused gaze of the little hellhound fixed on her. She doesn't know what to answer.

Loona: Ah yes, uh... you're welcome.

However, Y/N's gaze doesn't change, she keeps staring at her with an indecipherable look, as if she wanted to understand something, but didn't have the courage to ask.

After all, Loona remembers she taught her not to ask too many questions. Is she really going to listen to her after all this?

After everything Loona has said or done to the pup since the day she arrived, is she still obeying her?

The adult hellhound feels a shudder of discomfort and doesn't know how to express herself. Y/N's gaze doesn't divert even though it's clear many conflicts are going on in her head.

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