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Y/N raises her hands as the carousel horse goes up and down. Millie imitates her and raises her hands laughing while Moxxie prefers to hold on tight, aware of how unstable the game is, even though it doesn't move that fast.

Y/N: Do you know my dad taught me how to ride a horse once?

Moxxie: Why am I not surprised?

Loona: For fuck sake!

M&M and the puppy turn to look at Loona, who is trying to find a comfortable position on the wooden horse.

Loona: Can't they make a bigger horse?!

Once again, the rides prove that they're designed for Imps rather than adult hellhounds.

Loona: I hate this shit..

Millie: You're the one who wanted to get on a "not so deadly" game for Y/N 'ere.

Loona: You know what I mean..

Moxxie notices Y/N's unaware of the argument between Loona and Millie because she's petting the wooden horse she's on, which makes him snort.

As the ride keeps spinning, he notices out of the corner of his eye the Loo Loo Land mascot again, who's walking around the place.

Loo Loo feels the Imp's gaze burning the back of his neck, so he turns to look at him. Moxxie narrows his eyes at him and points his fingers in a V shape at his eyes and then at him Loo Loo leaves crestfallen once again, dragging his feet.

Y/N: This is the best ride in the world!!

Millie: Nonsense! There are better games than this!

The pup wags her tail excitedly.

Y/N: Like which one?

Moxxie: PLEASE not "The lawsuit"!..

Millie looks at her husband, who by just remembering her favorite game makes him want to vomit again. The imp puts her hand on her chin, thinking of some other cool ride to show the little girl.



The little hellhound raises her arms along with Millie as she moves on the flying chairs at full speed. Screaming with happiness.

A couple of chairs behind them, Loona's clinging to the chains holding her chair, and Moxxie screams in terror wishing he had stayed working with Blitzø on dry land.

Y/N: I'm FLYING!!!

Millie turns to look behind her.

Millie: How're you guys doin' back there?!

Loona turns around with difficulty to see the chains on her seat completely tense and trembling. She turns to look at Millie, her eyes blurred by the wind hitting her face.

Loona: Can we go to a ride in which if something breaks it doesn't end up with me crashing to the fucking ground?!

Millie: Hmm...



The puppy laughs as she spins in circles in her bumper cart.

Millie and Loona are busy crashing into each other aggressively, although Millie also likes to crash into other opponents, even if they're just children.

Loona barely fits in the bumper car, and she makes sure to always have her tail up to avoid an accident, but is finally having some fun. Y/N's giggles echoes within the place as she spins around, holding on to the steering wheel so as not to be thrown into the air.

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