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Y/N's pupils dilate upon seeing the huge sign in front of her announcing the entrance of the place. Loo Loo Land. She admires the decorations on the sign and the rides behind it, illuminated by a greenish sky.

Behind her, Loona looks around the place, wrinkling her nose, discomforted to see there are no hellhounds in the place apart from the two of them. Even though this place isn't exclusive for Imps, this place is more adapted to them than any other species. However, Y/N doesn't notice this and takes her older sister by the hand, leading her into the park.

Y/N: Come on Loona! Let's have fun!!

Loona follows the pup, but wriggles her hand out of hers. The little hellhound looks around in amazement. She sees a colorful place, huge games, gift shops with toys and huge prizes everywhere. And she sees the demons of the place having a good time and playing or shouting with happiness in those giant metallic machines that she doesn't know what they are.

On the other hand, her older sister feels insecure as she sees cracked, shaking and creaking rides on the verge of collapse, employees ripping off players with their rigged games, billboards abruptly falling to the ground, and an animatronic mascot biting the head of an imp crying child.

Loona's insecurities worsen when she hears the screams of both euphoric and terrified demons riding a roller coaster next to her, and watches the cart noisily move at a speed too fast for her liking. The hellhound lowers her ears and gulps.

Y/N: Which game do we get on first?

Y/N excitedly looks at her sister, hoping she understands the games around her better than she does.

Loona: I don't know, nothing looks safe here..

The young hellhound ignores Loona's discomfort and pricks up her ears at the sound of a ball hitting something. She turns her head abruptly to see an Imp playing a game of "knock the bottle". The pup smiles and wags her tail when she sees there are prizes to be won in that game.

Y/N: Loona can we win a prize?

She points to the game stall, jumping up and down but Loona shakes her head.

Loona: Oh no, those games are scams.

Y/N: What's a scam?

Loona: It's when they trick you to get something out of you.

Y/N looks at the prizes again, disappointed but still tempted to play.

Y/N: How do you know?

Loona: It's obvious, plus you have to pay to play and I didn't bring much money.

The puppy lowers her ears but doesn't insist any more, she knows from experience that an employee can get grumpy if the customer doesn't have any money.

Y/N: Soooo... which game's your favourite?

Loona: They're called rides, and I don't know, it's my first time here too.

The little hellhound tilts her head.

Y/N: Dad never brought you here?

Loona: Honestly, Blitzø doesn't really like this place enough to take me.

Y/N: Why not?

Loana shrugged. It's never been something that she thought to ask..or that she cared about.

Y/N, knowing that she shouldn't ask too much questions, looks around again and finds an attraction striking enough for her that she completely forgets about the subject.

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