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Before she could see the dust and smoke, Y/N already felt it burning her nose as she breathed. A sharp burning sting in her throat forced the cub to cough heavily as she lifted her head from the ground and looked around her. Her eyes burned as she saw nothing but fire and debris.

The little hellhound made a pained whimper as she carefully rose from the ground. She became aware of all the scrapes and bruises she received from escaping the debris that bounced back when that giant amusement ride almost fell on her.

When she stood up, Y/N managed to see her candy apple lying on the floor in front of her, so she ran to it and picked it up - ignoring the dirt that was stuck to it - and tucked the candy stick inside her belt. It's not the time to eat.

The pup looks behind her and sees nothing but the collapsed game and cracks in the ground. She perks up her ears, but she hears nothing but monster growls, fire, and gunshots in the distance. Her ear twitches with stress.


She tries to use her sense of smell like her sister taught her that morning, but she only manages to sneeze because of all the dust that got into her nose.

She tries to stay attentive to any noise, but no one answers her calls. Y/N feels the fur on her tail bristle as she imagines the worst, but she tries to shake those ugly thoughts away.

Y/N: They're ok, t-they must be ok! F-Fire can't hurt them, remember? Um...

The young hellhound's eyes turn to the debris again. She squirms as she imagines her family being crushed by it.

Y/N: No! They CAN'T be there! They're strong, and fast, and skillful, and...

Y/N shifts her weight from one foot to the other, trying to convince herself that nothing is wrong. But fear eats away at her.

She lets out an anguished groan before running towards the collapse.

Y/N: ..... SIS! MILLIE!!

Y/N grabs small pieces of rock, wood and metal to throw them away from her, trying to remove all the debris and find her beloved family who may be trapped or WORSE, ignoring the large pieces of debris that were slowly sliding downwards as she kept removing stuff.

When she grabbed a piece of burnt wood whose flames were barely extinguished, she felt a sharp pain in the palm of her right hand, making her scream in pain and throw the piece of wood as far as possible.

She turned around and grabbed her wrist, sticking it to her chest while she desperately stamped her feet on the floor and turned around.


As the pup kept grunting in pain, she wonders why she got hurt. Loona told her that fire couldn't hurt her. Did she lie to her? In that case... could the fire hurt them too?!


Her calls for help were silenced when she heard a loud screeching noise behind her. As she turned around, she saw parts of the top of the debris sliding and falling in her direction, so she had to run again.

Y/N ran to the left of the path that was left after the collapse, with the only hope that Loona and Millie were okay. She had to find a way out, Millie told them they were already getting close, so she should be getting to the exit by now, right?! There could ask for help once outside.

However, with the fire surrounding the entire park, the paths the pup could run down to escape were extremely limited.

Y/N's cough worsened as she ran into more fire and smoke approaching her, having the bad luck of running into burning walls, tents, stalls, and even robotic mascots of the park.

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