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The entrance bell rings, announcing the arrival of Blitzø and his young adopted daughter at Belphegor's pharmacy store.

The Imp takes an old crumpled prescription out of his pocket and stands in line, waiting to be served, however he taps his foot impatiently on the floor.

He had to drive straight to Sloth Ring where most of the clinics are and where they best contribute with medical matters, and they still suck at that.

There are pharmacies in Pride Ring, sure, sponsored by Belphegor, but they're infected with sinners who meddle in and end up screwing up those drugstores, turning them into another type of drug store.

This place is more accessible for those who're really trying to deal with their health.. but it's too fucking far away..

His frustration with life is interrupted when Y/N clings to his arm, her ears still down.

Y/N: I don't get it.. Loona was ok last night. How did she get sick so quickly?

Blitzø: I told you not to worry about it, the meds'll help her.

Blitzø tries to pull his arm free as he moves up the line, but the kid refuses to let go, her red eyes showing no sign of relief.

Y/N: But you said Loona's been taking her pills for years, how come she's still not cured? Why does she need even more?

The Imp's body tenses at the young hellhound's questions.

Blitzø: There are certain diseases that are just.. a bit more complicated, that's all.

Y/N: Is it a very bad one? What's wrong with my sister?..

As Blitzø moves once again through the incredibly slow line, he sighs in resignation. Nothing he says will calm the furball, right?

He crouches down, taking Y/N by the shoulders and speaks softly.

Blitzø: Look, shorty, what your sister has is something called "syphilis." It's curable, it's just that the shitty, good for nothing  doctors diagnosed Looney a little late and that complicates things.

The Imp keeps to himself the fact that Loona could've been more responsible sooner, wherever she contracted that problem.

He shakes his head, he has to forget about the mistakes his daughter made in the past and focus on making sure she's okay.

Y/N: At the foundation, many kids got sick...

Blitzø stands back up, ruffling the pup's head, determined when he sees he's already next in line.

Blitzø: Yeah, yeah. Bet it was gross to live among so many diarrheal kids full of mucus, but don't worry, fluff. Loona'll feel better in no time.

Following that, he leans on the loading counter and speaks to the pharmacist, who was clinging to his phone.

Blitzø: Hi, I'm here for these unpronounceable pills, here's the prescription.

However, the employee doesn't answer, he's too busy checking his cell phone, which quickly makes Blitzø lose patience.

Blitzø: This is the part where you attend to me, asshole...

The demon flapped its small black wings in irritation and raised its finger at the impatient Imp, speaking in an indifferent tone.

Pharmacist: I'll get to you in a minute, sir...

The little hellhound stares at her father when his eye twitches.

Y/N: Dad?..

Blitzø: Go explore the place for a minute, will ya fluff? Daddy's gonna sponsor his job.

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