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The next day has come and IMP has a new assassination order. Only this day the company will handle things a little differently by having a new apprentice on the job. And after a while, the group ended up agreeing who'll the mentor be today.

Blitzø: Why the fuck do I have to start training?

Moxxie: Because you are the father, sir.

Everyone agrees except Blitzø of course. But everyone prefers it this way, for very obvious reasons.

Moxxie's carrying a sniper bag with him, ready to go along with Millie who's carrying her giant axe.

Blitzø makes a disgusted and lazy face he fails to hide when he sees Y/N looking at the windows from afar.

Loona takes out the grimoire and opens the portal to the living world without hesitation.

This attracts the attention of the young hellhound again causing her to look at said portal in perplexity. Her eyes wide open as her pupils dilate and sparkle in amazement.

M&M smile at each other and head to the other side, but before closing the portal Blitzø makes one last attempt to get out of this situation.

Blitzø: Before you guys go, I have to make sure none of you want to volunteer to take care of the kid first.

He narrows his eyes at Millie with a mischievous smile, hoping to tempt her with some maternal instinct or some shit like that.

Millie turns to see her husband a little excited, but Moxx subtly raises the briefcase looking at her with wide eyes to remind her of something. Before long she remembers her plans so she doesn't say anything.

Loona just watches Y/N who's hypnotized by the portal and the living world and doesn't even realize Blitzo doesn't want to be with her.

The boss's mischievous grin turns into a disgusted face in the blink of an eye. Knowing that there is no way out of this, he finally gives up and says nothing, leaving M&M go on their mission.

Moxx smiles and takes his wife's hand to turn around and keep walking.

Moxxie: Good luck sir!

Millie: It won't take us long.

Blitzø: Yeah..

He can't help but feel left out as he watches the two lovebirds walk away hand in hand, walking towards the living world.

Loona slowly closes the portal in front of Y/N and Blitzø, to enjoy their frustration at closing it.

Meanwhile, in the living world, M&M, upon hearing the portal close, stop and look behind them to confirm they're alone.

Moxxie sighs in relief and breathes in the fresh air of the living world, while his wife just stares to where the portal was.

Millie: You think everything will go fine?

Moxxie: Of course! It won't take long, it'll be a quick kill and then-..

Millie: No honey, I mean if everything will work out with Blitzø and the kid.

Although Millie's had a family that's rough with children, she can't help but worry about how Blitzø's going to treat the little girl. To her, Y/N seems like a delicate child compared to the rest of her family.

Moxx perceives the concern in her, so he tries to distract her, especially since it's a topic he doesn't care about at the moment.

Moxxie: Don't worry, they'll be fine. For now let's enjoy we're finally alone.

Although her husband's words are simple, Millie listens to him. She would've easily volunteered to train the little hellhound on the first day.

But after talking to Moxxie the day before and hearing his frustration, she knows she should be by her husband's side now. So it is best to seize the moment just as he said.

She smiles gently as she puts her worries aside and turns to her husband.

Millie: Well in that case, get out the sniper and let's fuck a couple of brains!

Moxxie proudly picks up the briefcase again and opens the clasp on it to reveal the sniper. But when he opens it, a few things fall from the briefcase to the ground, making him try to catch them in the air and fail miserably.

Moxxie: Shit!

He ends up crouching on the ground picking up everything he dropped, putting the briefcase, finally revealing the sniper, on the ground next to him.

Millie instinctively bends down to help Moxxie pick up what he dropped, being able to see closely what he had in that briefcase.

Some Hawaiian shirts, a bottle of red wine that, thanks to the shirt, cushioned the fall and didn't break, roses and some recently bought condoms.

She turns to see her husband who laughs nervously and blushes.

Millie can't help but feel tenderness towards her husband and helps him pick up all his things. She knows this is important to him. He normally wouldn't put so many things in a specific case for weapons since for him they're very important, but they can't compare with the love he feels towards her.

Moxxie: I... I hope we finish the work on time.

Millie: I trust you sweetie.

She kisses her husband's forehead and puts her hand on his cheek.

They both smile and once they've put everything back in the briefcase and taken out the sniper, they get up and head towards their target.

Millie: I just hope we don't upset Blitzø by coming back late cause I plan to enjoy this date with you.

Moxxie: Nah, I'm sure he won't even notice.

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