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Y/N reaches the wooden stumps, stops and stares at them trying to remember what to do on this obstacle.  In her mentor's demo, she moved so fast between so many obstacles that she can't remember what to do in all of them.

Well, it doesn't hurt to ask.

Y/N: Millie!  What do I have to do in this?

The coach Imp distracts her attention from the cell phone timer to answer the kid.

Millie: Oh! Uh... The floor is lava!

Recognizing the game, the little hellhound yells "in fear" before laughing and climbs onto a stump, using her imagination to carry out the exercise.

Y/N: Oh no!  The lava's melting the rocks!  I have to get to the other side or I will dieeeee!

This time, the apprentice rushes faster as she jumps from one stump to another, almost slipping on one but she manages to keep her balance as if her life depended on it, at least in her imagination it does. 

After a little while she reaches the last stump, and seeing there's nowhere else to step, she puts an end to the game.

Y/N: Meh.

The little hellhound jumps to the ground and sees the net hanging horizontally from some branches, almost touching the ground.  She again tries to remember what she's supposed to do in this game.

Millie sees her apprentice is hesitating again.

Millie: The net are laser beams, try gettin' to the other side without touchin' them!

Y/N smiles and wags her tail at the new game, so she crouches down and begins to crawl under the "laser beams" to get to the other side. 

However, her tail keeps wagging, brushing the whole net as she crawls, but she doesn't notice it and keeps going.

Millie bites one of her nails as she questions how she'll fix that in the future.

The hellhound reaches the end and stands up to see her red dress full of dirt, she tries to shake the dust off with her hands but doesn't quite succeed, so she shrugs and moves on.

After seeing more minutes have passed than expected, Millie sits next to the flag and keeps watching, resting her chin with her hand.

Y/N goes up the wooden ramp without problems and to go down she sits and slides on it as if it were a.. well a slide, and then runs to the monkey bars.

She grabs hold of the first bar and stands still for a few seconds.

Y/N: My fingers hurt!

Millie: You go girl!

Her mentor's cheers are enough for the little hellhound to keep trying.  So she uses her legs to swing and passes her hands to the next bar she has in front of her. 

She advances well, but halfway through, her fingers no longer hold and she slips, falling to the ground, luckily for the kid, she puts her hands on the ground preventing her face from hitting the dust.

Millie: You can do it.  Try again!

Y/N gets up, and tries again just to fall once more.

Millie: Again!

The apprentice keeps trying, and keeps falling.  Over and over and over and over again.

Millie: AGAIN!

Even though she keeps trying and failing.  Y/N doesn't give up, even though her hands hurt, she keeps going from bar to bar, trying to hold on tight to each one, no matter how many times she falls. 

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