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After her fight with Loona, Y/N's worry about never being loved grew and she ended up cornering herself in a test. Disappear in the human world, and wait.. Will they come for her? Will they miss her? Will anyone notice she's gone? All those huge worries and fear inside Y/N.. disappeared as soon as she got her first glimpse of the human world after the portal closed before her.

The little hellhound's tail wagged every time she saw the blue sky and its fluffy white clouds that changed shape in the breeze.

She closed her eyes as she felt the warm light of that great bright white fire ball that was in the sky, embracing her. And nothing was more relaxing than taking a deep breath of the fresh air of that place.

She ran through the forest in front of her, excited to feel the tickling of the green grass on her bare feet, and to admire the size of each colorful tree, which despite having those in hell, are not so big, beautiful, and clean.

In hell, those trees are usually full of graffiti, urine, trash or chewing gum stuck to their trunks. They were quite a contrast to the trees growing here.

The living world -or at least this forest-is the best thing she has seen in her life, she couldn't help but enter the forest, intrigued to know what other wonders there are in this world.

Luckily, the little hellborn didn't encounter a bear or some predator that could decapitate her, on the contrary.

Exploring the vast green forest, she came across strange creatures she never imagined existed, small gray creatures with paper-thin wings, so colorful, that they stood out all over the place and flew around.

Or other slightly larger creatures, which caught one of those in the air and ate them. Winged and feathered animals, of all colors, that lived inside the trees.

And one of them caught her attention in particular, something bigger than her... A walking animal on four legs, with hooves, horns, and a reddish fur, a deer.

Y/N tried to approach him, but his immense size and horns made her think it was a bad idea.

Luckily for her, that deer was the most dangerous thing he ran into during the day. However, the pup's worries began to return when she saw the sky darken when the giant ball of fire was hidden on the horizon. As she feels the temperature drop, the hellhound guessed this is what night would look like in the world of the living.

Now that it's dark, Y/N's tail stops wagging. They're already taking a long time to come to look for her. She looks up, frowning. No! She won't give up! Someone will come for her! Her dad, or her uncles Moxxie and Millie! She knows it! She's sure of it! A cold breeze passes through her, making her hug herself.

But now, she should go somewhere warmer. She looks around, the whole forest, which used to look so colorful and fun, now looks dark and frighteningly even bigger than it did during the day.

The melodious whistles of the winged creatures ceased and were replaced by screeches and loud squawks of unknown and mysterious creatures. It doesn't seem like a safe place anymore.

The whole forest now looks so dark and it's as if it was inviting her to enter and lose herself in it forever. Where can she go now? Y/N keeps looking around, trying to find somewhere different.

After a few minutes that felt like an eternity, the hellhound found a faint reddish light in the distance. By focusing her gaze, narrowing her eyes, the cub was able to better identify that light.

There's a horizontal row of those lights. Could it be her family looking for her? Or something else? Could it be dangerous? Y/N sees she has two options while she waits for her family.

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