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Blitzø: And then I told her "You don't even like theme parks!!"

The Imp was lying on the back of his favorite mare, once again in Wrath Ring. The horse whose new name was now "Doc" walked around the stable while she listened to her friend vent.

Barely a day had passed since the Loo Loo Land incident and Blitzø agreed with his employees to take a couple of days off. Both to keep a low profile - although he can come here 'cause no one's gonna notice him in an almost deserted stable - and to recover from injuries. It was not to his surprise that everyone accepted his order.

The Imp speaks in a squeaky voice as he imitates his daughter while telling his "therapist" about the argument he had last night with her.

Blitzø: And then she told me "I dOn'T, but SHE wAnTed tO gO!" And then I look at her and I say, "Looney, your job was to stay in the office with that kid to train her and take phone calls!"

The Imp interrupts himself to tilt his head and look at his mare, who has her eyes forward as she walks but her ears directed towards him, avoiding poking her with his own horns.

Blitzø: I mean, that's what she's always done at I.M.P, answering phone calls. It's too simple for her to forget, right?

Before giving Doc time to respond, Blitzø lies back on her back with his gaze on the orange sky, letting off steam again.

Blitzø: But NOOO, she GROWLS at me and says "We'Ve BeEn TrAiNinG hEr FoR wEeKs, NoThInG wAs GoInG tO hApPeN iF sHe ToOk A dAy OfF. OH aNd I'll ChEcK tHe VoIcEmAiL lAtEr, It'S nO bIg DeAl!"

The Imp shook his tail in frustration as he relived their argument, forgetting about imitating Loona's words in a high pitch voice.

Blitzø: I told her.. "You're wrong... It IS a big deal Loona, YOU COULD HAVE DIED!" and she said "AND WHOSE FAULT IS IT?! I wasn't the one who started the fire!"

Doc stopped abruptly with a surprised squeal and she turned to look at Blitzø with her ears back.

Blitzø: I know, I thought the same shit!

The mare stomped her foot on the ground and lied down with a snort, careful not to let the Imp lose his balance and fall off her back. His friend sighed in frustration.

Blitzø: After she said that I yelled at her and... well, she ended up locking herself in her room again...

The mare leaned towards Blitzø and rubbed her head against him. The overwhelmed Imp gave her a playful push and caressed her muzzle, still lying on her back, smiling wistfully for a few seconds.

Blitzø: It's fine Doc, I'm ok. Things calmed down in the morning I guess... Loona agreed to stay home and take care of the kid so I could go out, so that's progress, right?

The mare blinks without taking her eyes off him.

Blitzø: I mean... she seemed willing to take care of the pup, despite the problems she gave her by following us...

Doc tilted her head and directed her ears at Blitzø. The Imp, noticing the curious look of his horse, rolled his eyes.

Blitzø: That little girl's fine, she fled the fire before the theme park fucking exploded, although... she... did get a little hurt.

The Imp remembered the ride back from Loo Loo Land. While he was driving, Moxxie had to disinfect and bandage the kid's hand with the first aid kit that was in the van.

Everything was in silence. The tension between Loona and him was torture. Looking in the rearview mirror, Millie was unconscious while a Queef chewed on a lock of her hair, Moxxie kept grumbling about some charlatan at the game stalls... and yet, even though the pup was clearly in pain from the burn on her hand, the moment Moxx finished bandaging it, she smiled... she smiled and looked at each one of them... even at him.

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