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A scream of agony is followed by the call of the cell phone, just as it is installed, resounding loudly in loop inside the apartment.

The red sky has taken on a lighter color, illuminating the ring of pride, ushering in morning.

The sound of the cell phone still resonates for a few seconds, until Blitzø leans out of the sofa moaning, and holding his head from a strong migraine, covered in sheets.

His eyes are covered by his dirty blanket with horse prints, so he uses his arm to try to find his cell phone, throwing all his pillows, cup of coffee and papers that were lying on his nightstand, until finally feeling what he's looking for in his hands.

He answers the call, sits slowly pulling the blanket off his face until it's just hanging from one of his horns, rubbing his eyes as he yawns, and taking all the time in the world to calmly answer.

Blitzø: .........Sup?

An annoying voice speaks through the phone hurting the non-existent ears of the hungover Imp, moving away from the cell phone, bothered by the noise.

Moxxie: Sir.  Do you know what time it is?  Millie and I have been waiting for you in the office for hours!

Blitzø sighs bitterly and lazily, trying to adjust his eyes to the daylight, rubbing his forehead.

Moxxie: I consider it disrespectful that you, OUR boss, do not take this work seriously...

As Moxxie's whining voice chatters in the background of Blitzø's mind, he tries to remember what day it is.

He stretches like a cat, letting his blanket fall to the ground, many of his bones crack and decides to interrupt the asshole who woke him up.

Blitzø: Look Moxx, it's not my fault that you fuck your wife so fast that you get to work on time, okay?

Moxxie: What?!  What does that even have to do with-?!

Blitzø: I'm already on my way, ok?  Now stop using your cell phone at work and be a responsible Imp for once in your fucking life.

Moxxie: ..... Wha-..?

Blitzø hangs up.  He gets up from the couch, and walks hunched over to the door of Loona's room.  He knocks on the door.

Blitzø: Loony~ Wake up, we have to go to work, sweetie.

He hears footsteps heading for the door, which seems strange to him.  Normally after knocking on her door, Loony responds with a "Let me sleep, bitch" and sleeps a few more minutes.  But before he could question it any longer, the door was already being opened.

When it opens entirely... he doesn't see anyone.  Until he looks down.

Y/N: Good morning daddy!

Blitzø stares at the girl for a few seconds, processing what's happening.

The little hellhound looks at him with a smile and her arms behind her back, standing straight waiting for an answer. 

On the outside she seems joyful, with excitement and security. But on the inside she's a nervous puppy, afraid that her unofficial older sister is right. 

So she thought during the whole night that...maybe, just maybe... If she's a good, happy, trouble-free girl, they'll let her stay.

Meanwhile, Blitzø doesn't change his expression, he keeps looking at her with confusion trying to remember what happened last night.

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