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The door to the store opens and then the jingle of a bell rings, announcing the arrival of a customer, Y/N.

The liquor store clerk, a middle-aged Imp with a shaggy white beard, watches the little hellhound, who's clearly a minor, walking around the store, looking around curiously as if she were in a toy store.

As she peers through all the glass bottles intently, the clerk doesn't take his eyes off her. He doesn't plan to take the minor out of the store. In hell, it's normal for a child to come and buy alcohol for their parents, or even for themselves, the truth is, it doesn't concern him or care, what's important is to receive money from customers, whoever they are.

After a few seconds, Y/N sees through a glass door, the glassy brownish bottle of alcohol that Loona likes so much. She opens the door and takes out the bottle, instantly smelling the scent that reminds her so much of her sister. She sighs happily.

The young hellhound holds the cold bottle and heads for the exit, wagging her tail feeling that she already accomplished the mission. But her happiness ends when the store clerk stands in front of her with his arms crossed, blocking her way out.

Clerk: What do you think you're doing?

Y/N: Oh! I'm buying this bottle for my older sister!

Before Y/N has a chance to tell him about her "super special mission" and how she got there, the Imp, blocking her way, holds out his hand in front of her, hoping to receive something in return.

Clerk: That beer costs 6 dollars..

The young hellhound's tail stops wagging and falls to the ground as she lowers her ears. She so far remembers that she needs money, but she has nothing.

Y/N: Oh... I don't have money sir. What do I do?

She expected that Imp would get mad at her and make her return the product, but she was confused when he looked her up and down and then snorted slightly.

Clerk: Well, I don't tell this to every lady I meet but...

He bends down to be at her height and makes a sign with his hand for her to come closer to him to tell her a secret. Y/N, curious, approaches to him and lifts one of her ears to listen to his secret.

Clerk: A lady as special as you can pay with her body.

The little hellhound's fur bristles with fear and she gasps for air, stepping back from the Imp, knowing what that offer meant...

Y/N: With my body?! Are you going to take an arm or a leg from me?!

Clerk: Wha- no!..

She didn't want to lose a limb of her body, not even a finger. Between nerves and fear, she hugs the cold beer and decides to finish her mission, whatever it takes... Amid so much pressure, this is what she comes up with...

Y/N: You're not going to take a hair off me mister mutilator!

Then Y/N quickly crouched down, passing between the legs of the "mutilator" Imp and heading towards the door, holding the beer with both hands, pushing it with her body to run away and not lose any second.

Clerk: HEY!!

The clerk Imp presses a red button next to the cash register, causing an alarm to go off loudly and runs off to catch the pup. As soon as he leaves the store, some metal doors automatically close, preventing anyone from entering the liquor store, but at the same time leaving the rest of the customers locked in.

Y/N takes advantage of the fact that a couple of Imps are fighting in the street in front of some cars that crashed for some unknown reason and therefore there are no cars crossing the street without letting them pass. The Imps are so busy yelling insults at each other that they don't notice the young hellhound walking past them.

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