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Millie gasps in surprise, stars in her eyes as everyone turns to look at the little hellhound.


The Imp's husband puts his hand on her shoulder as he helps her out of the glass door.

Moxxie: She grew up on a foundation, deprived of the outer hell, honey. I don't think she does.

Loona rolls her eyes and crosses her arms while Y/N just tilts her head, waiting for an answer.

Millie: Loo Loo Land's like..the best place in hell!!!

As the pup raises her tail and her gaze lights up with excitement, Blitzø storms out of his office with his megaphone, turning it on once again causing another deafening beep, however, Loona snatches the device from him and slams it to the ground to stomp on it, breaking it and causing the beep to sound at much lower frequencies before going completely silent.

The Imp boss gives his daughter an enraged glare, but after seeing she was snarling back at him and baring her fangs, Blitzø just adjusted the skull amulet on his outfit and walked the young hellhound, bending down to look at her better.

Blitzø: Basically, fluff, it's Disneyland for degenerates.

Loona relaxes surprisingly quickly and leans against the wall.

Loona: More like the cheap Disneyland copy of the degenerates.

Y/N: What's Disneyland?

Everyone ignores her question as Millie lets out a high-pitched whoop of joy.

Millie: OH! I haven't gone to that place since I was a child!!

Y/N wags her tail and grins from ear to ear. Kids can go to Loo Loo Land! And she's one!

The excitement of both Y/N ​​and Millie eases a bit when Moxxie takes a step towards his boss, confusion on his face. Y/N could tell that he didn't look very excited.

Moxxie: Why are we going there, sir?

Blitzø: Stolas hired us to be bodyguards for a day so he can take his daughter to that park.

The cub doesn't understand what a bodyguard is, or a park... or who Stolas really is, but she's sure of one thing, if her family is going to the funnest place in ALL of hell, she HAS to go.

Y/N: I wanna g-!

Moxxie: Sir, we are not bodyguards.

Moxxie's interruption made no one pay attention to Y/N's prayers. Blitzø gives his employee a judging look.

Blitzø: Yeah? Don't tell me, asshole, thanks for the information I didn't ask you.

He approaches Moxx with a sarcastic smile.

Blitzø: But hey, if you can't do such a simple job, you can stay here all day, leaving me alone with your wife, and you won't get extra pay from the rich feathered ass.

The employee Imp looks at his boss, narrowing his eyes in contempt and irritation, while Blitzø stands inches from his face with a cocky grin. Millie looks expectantly at her husband, hoping she wants to come along.

The Imp holds a sigh, knowing he has no choice if he wants to pay the rent.

Moxxie: ..... Fine..

Blitzø: That's the spirit!

The Imp boss pats Moxxie hard on the back, causing his spine to crack and causing him to lose his balance for a few seconds.

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