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Loona: ...... What's this?

Loona slowly processes what she has in front of her without knowing how she should feel about it.

Blitzø: It's a new training rival dummy for the kid. Isn't it obvious?

He places the "rival training dummy", which is actually a red Imp-flatable doll, on the ground.

Y/N tilts her head trying to understand the strange shape of the doll and what it is doing here.

The adult hellhound, having finished processing what is in front of her, doesn't know whether to laugh or gag

Loona: Are you serious?..

Blitzø: Oh come on Looney. It was the first thing I could find lying on the street, I'm saving time AND money.

The young pup, curious about the object, approaches it and begins to sniff it.

Loona: Is this a shitty excuse to keep that? Or do you really think this is going to work?

For a weird reason, Blitzø smiles, as if he was expecting for her to ask him that question.

Blitzø: It's not going to work YET. I'll be right back.

Trying to make this moment exciting, he rushes out of the meeting room to get to his office, leaving the two hellhounds.. and the doll alone. Loona looks confused at the door where Blitzo left, but her attention is lost listening to the little fluff.

Y/N: This smells weird.

Hearing that causes Loona to unconsciously sniff, perceiving the scent that a doll like that would have. She covers her muzzle and gags with her mouth closed.

When most of the repulsion wears off, she takes the chance to complain.

Loona: Ugh! I can't believe you didn't even wash it. Gross!

The young hellhound turns to her older sister with wide eyes and turns her head once more, curious. Loona notices this.

Loona: What?

Y/N: Have you also smelled that before?

She looks at the young hellhound trying to understand her question.

Loona: ..Also?

Y/N: Yes! I mean, do you know where that smell comes from?

It doesn't take long for Loona to understand Y/N doesn't mean the smell is coming from the doll with that question.

Loona: ..How old did you say you were? Ten?

Y/N: I'm seven!

She innocently uses her fingers to indicate her age number with pride.

Loona: And... you don't know where the smell comes from?

Y/N: Nuh uh.

Loona averts her gaze from her and snorts, unsmiling.

Loona: Makes sense..

Y/N: Huh?

Blitzø arrives happily wagging his Imo tail as he holds a paper, interrupting the moment and leaving Y/N without the answer she was expecting to get.

He smacks the paper on the face of the blow-up doll, revealing it has an uncolored drawing of Moxxie's face on it. Blitzø smiles proudly at his action.

Blitzø: NOW it's going to work just fucking fine.

The young hellhound is easily distracted from what she was thinking and turns her attention to her foster father, ignoring Loona's silence.

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