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Y/N was lying on her back on the living room couch as she raised her stuffed "thing" in the air and looked at its one-eyed face. The sound of the shower running into the bathroom next door faded while she was inert in her thoughts.

With her finger she caressed the face of her plush lightly, still seeing small traces of soot on it. The pup's mind was flooded with memories of fire and screams of terror. Her ears flicked toward the kitchen when she heard her father dropping a spoon on the floor.

Blitzø: FUCK!

Without taking her eyes off the "thing" in her hands, she took a breath, and staring at it determinedly sighed.

Y/N: Ok.

The pup sat up, and leaving her plush on the couch, she jumped off the couch and headed to the kitchen, trying to hide her nervousness.

She watched Blitzø put the remaining slices of pizza they bought a few hours ago into the microwave and approached him. The Imp didn't notice her until she was a few inches from him, so he was startled.

Blitzø: FUCK! Kid! Gimme a warning or something!

Y/N ignored her father's claim and got straight to the point.

Y/N: Dad... could you give me more lessons?

Blitzø: More lessons, eh?

He grabs a spoon from the counter with his tail.

Blitzø: How bout this? Never put cutlery in a microwave. We've had too many fires for a lifetime.

Blitzø then placed the spoon on the dining table while turning on the microwave. The pup shook her head.

Y/N: Not cooking lessons. Fighting lessons!

The Imp's eyes widened in surprise and he turned to look at the little girl.

Blitzø: You wanna train on a rest day?

Y/N nodded energetically.

Blitzø: Why?

Y/N: W-Well... it's just that... I didn't train yesterday and well... I uh...

Blitzø noticed the pup's excitement and confidence quickly faded and she began to slouch and look away nervously. He could get an idea of ​​why...

Blitzø: Ya regret skipping training yesterday?

The little hellhound looked away nervously and hesitated before nodding slowly. Something in the kid's reaction made the Imp feel like she's hiding another reason, but before he could think to ask, he heard the microwave beep and turn off.

He then turned to it to take out the food, and as he placed it in the small round dining room he looked at the pup.

Blitzø: Why don't you ask your sister?

Y/N's ears droop and she frowned.

Y/N: ...I don't want to ask her to do more for me...

The Imp felt a cold shiver run through the spikes on his back at the little hellhound's comment. It hadn't occurred to him how guilty she might feel for running away and taking Loona to that place.

To force himself to stop remembering the argument with his daughter and avoid feeling sorry for Y/N, Blitzø sighed and turned to her.

Blitzø: Okay, let's train.

He ignored the feeling of relief that enveloped him when he saw the pup smile once again, and crouched down to look at her face.

Blitzø: A hitman must always be prepared, danger can occur anywhere when you least expect it.

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