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Y/N wasn't the only one excited it was Saturday. Moxxie's excited too.

While his beloved wife is in the bathroom putting on her makeup, he circles in red a day on the calendar that contains the drawing of an iconic white mask.

Today, he and Millie have reserved tickets to see "The Phantom of the Opera" at the theater in the city.

Moxx wags his tail happily and bites his lower lip. They've both been waiting weeks for this day, and to make sure everything's perfect, both he and Millie - mostly him - avoided talking about it in the office so that Blitzø wouldn't find out and crash their date like he usually does.

He takes out of his bureau the two tickets for the play in perfect condition. As soon as his wife finishes enlisting, they're going out, and he hopes this to be the best date they can ever have.


Someone knocks on the door. Moxxie turns to see it. His wife's voice is heard from the bathroom.

Millie: Moxxie, can you go see who it is?

Her husband looks at the door suspiciously before approaching it.

The only thing that calms Moxx down is that he KNOWS it can't be Blitzø since he doesn't knock on the door when he harasses them, his boss invades his house without them noticing and hides. Besides this morning, Moxxie even checked the toilet seat to make sure that nosy Imp wasn't there.

Moxxie checks through the peephole to make sure anyway, but he doesn't see anyone. Confused, he opens the door.

Once he opens it, the Imp finds a large cardboard box - probably half his size - in front of him.

Not understanding what that's doing there, Moxx talks to his wife, staying where he is.

Moxxie: Uh.. honey? Did you order a package online or something?

Millie: What? No.

Moxxie's question caused the Imp curiosity, so she comes out of her bathroom, freshly dressed to see what her husband is talking about.

M&M see the box on the floor and look at each other in confusion. Moxxie keeps the tickets in his pocket and both Imps, being prey to curiosity, make an effort to get the heavy box inside their house.

Seeing the box's taped shut, Millie pulls a pocket knife out of her pants and sticks it hard into the box without waiting for a shrill scream of a little girl to be heard from inside. Both Moxxie and her recognize that scream.

M&M: Y/N?!

Both Imps open the box carefully and quickly without using the knife and from there the little hellhound pokes her head out, gasping for air desperately.

Y/N: AIR!! *gasp* Oh Satan.. *GASP* You almost stung me with that! *gasp*

M&M look at each other shocked.

Millie: Sting you?! I almost stabbed you!

Moxxie: What are you doing here?!

Y/N doesn't respond, she leans against the edge of the box while catching her breath, but hands Moxx a note that came with her inside the box. The Imp takes the note and reads it.

"Deal with her, bring her back when it gets dark."

The note didn't even come with a name, but Moxxie knew the only one who could do this would be Loona. If it was Blitzø he would've been the one inside the box instead of Y/N.

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