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Some popcorn pops into a bowl in a microwave, while Y/N watches, standing on a chair to get a good look at the action.

As she's entertained in the kitchen, Loona's sitting on the sofa in the living room of her home, checking her Sinstagram, and Blitzø is sitting on the floor next to his TV shelf checking the pirated movies he has.

Blitzø: What'd you like to see Loony?

The hellhound shrugged her shoulders indifferently without even turning to see him, she doesn't care.

Blitzø wags his tail impatiently, however, his other adoptive daughter managed to hear them from the kitchen.

Y/N: Let's see something funny!

The Imp smiles and takes his suggestion into account, reviewing among the movies one that he finds funny.  The truth is that he is excited by the idea of ​​a movie night with his daughter.  Well... "daughters" he assumes for now.

Suddenly, among all the movies, he finds one that seems perfect to him.

A beep from the microwave sounds, announcing the popcorn are ready.  Y/N smiles, opens its small metal door, and reaches in to take the bowl. 

But Loona gets up from the sofa in a hurry and reaches the bowl before the little hellhound can take it into her arms.

Loona: I'll carry them, you're gonna drop them.

Y/N: Oh ok!

As Y/N carefully gets off the chair, both hellhounds hear Blitzø calling them from the living room.

Blitzø: Come here, I'm already playing the movie!

Loona turns her back on her adoptive younger sister and heads towards the TV, munching on a popcorn from the bowl.

Y/N follows her and in no time everyone is sitting on the couch in front of the TV, with Blitzø between the two hellhounds.  The Imp presses a button on the remote control and the TV reveals the main menu from the movie and it's title.

Y/N: Ooh! What's this?

Blitzø: Ah yes, "The boy in the striped pajamas", a classic.  I love the ending, it always makes me laugh.

The young hellhound's pupils dilated when she sees the film hads some interesting creatures in it.

Y/N: What are those?

Blitzø: What, those things?  Those are humans, they're the things that live in the living world.

The young hellhound's jaw dropped in surprise.

Loona: Blitzø steals a lot of these movies from there when he goes to work.  It's probably illegal but we don't give a fuck.

However, Y/N didn't pay attention to Loona's curious fact, she seemed amazed by said mortal realm beings.

Y/N: I imagined them different!

Blitzø: Yeah I know, they're disgusting, well less talk more film.

Without further ado, Blitzø plays the movie and grabs some popcorn from the bowl Loona's holding, the little hellhound staring at the TV with her eyes wide open, wanting to know more about the human world.


The minutes go by and the afternoon turns into night, the film is depressing and dark, full of pain and tragedy, just what demons like.  Blitzø breaks out in laughter as he keeps eating popcorn. 

Loona loses interest and checks her cell phone, though she occasionally birds her eyes to understand the movie. 

On the other hand, Y/N doesn't understand half of the things that happen and between the hour and the confusion she ends up feeling tired until she falls asleep, leaning on the shoulder of the Imp who adopted her.

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