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A horse neighs as it runs around a corral with other horses outside the stable.

Their colorful manes made of fire wiggle as they run around in circles as they have nothing better to do.  Their multiple glowing eyes give them a good sense of perception and night vision so they can run at high speed without bumping into each other. Those are advantages that horses born in hell have.

During the night, the stable is empty and unkempt as there's no one to stand guard, only a fool would try to mess with one of these wild hellish horses. 

However, there's someone who occasionally comes to this place to get some entertainment. And tonight, he's here.

Blitzø: Ugh..

On some other occasion, Blitzø would be amazed seeing the horses as if it were the first time he saw them.  But this time, his mind won't allow him to be distracted even if he tries.  He's still focused on the little hellhound he adopted and the decision he made.

Frustrated that he couldn't feel better, even in the presence of these beautiful four-hoofed creatures, Blitzø pounded his fist on the wooden fence post he was leaning against.

Blitzø: That fucking kid..

He rubs his temples trying to clear up his mind. Blitzø came here hoping to clear his head for a few minutes. These last few days he's been changing his plans, perfecting them and using that fluff to win an argument with Loona that they probably would have forgotten by now if he hadn't adopted that kid.

Focused on his problems, Blitzø doesn't notice one of the horses is approaching him after having snapped at the fence.

A tall and black mare with a red aura and two blue glowing eyes, stands right in front of the stressed Imp and nickers to him.

Her nicker is barely a snort so as not to startle him, which successfully gets the Imp's attention. Blitzø looks up to see a known mare of many names given by him who's now known as "Duchess".

Blitzø: Holy shit, you're too quiet for a horse.

Blitzø rubs the mare's muzzle and looks at her with a faint smile.  Well, he sees Duchess as if she were her own horse, he sometimes takes her out of the stable, and they go for a walk around IMP city.

Since the Imp stable grooms doesn't name their horses, Blitzø names the mare whatever he wants.

For him, Duchess was probably one of his closest friends.  Blitzø would think that his best friends would be his employees from his own business, but as Moxxie often tells him... They only see him as a boss.

Yeah, this lonely Imp has had some bad luck with friendships.  But the horses have never failed him.

Blitzø: You are a silent mare, your stealth would come in handy in business.

He couldn't help but blow like a horse at the mention of his business and his issues.

Blitzø: I mean, I already hired a 4-year-old girl, hiring you would've been smarter.

The frustrated Imp whips his tail in frustration.  Duchess just stands there watching him, letting his Imp friend pet her.

Blitzø: My whole body begs me to go get drunk with a few drinks to forget about that stink, but the last time I did that I ended up with another daughter, and I didn't even fuck.

After days of putting up with his current situation, Blitzø finally feels free to vent his sorrows to someone.

Blitzø: I just want to get this bullshit over with once and for all, you know?  To get back to normal.

He drops down, leaning against the fence, looking down.  This is one of those times when in order to think more clearly, he needs the advice of someone he trusts, and who's better at it than himself...through his horse?

Blitzø turns to see Duchess who's still looking at him and makes her voice. He speaks with a higher, effeminate voice to interpret her.

Duchess: And why don't you just return that pup back to the orphanage once and for all?

Blitzø: No, I still can't do that now.  I have to teach Loona a lesson.  If I get rid of that fluff now, I won't be able to get her to accept what I do for her.  I know what happens when someone that young feels like they don't need anyone.

He is consumed by his memories for a few seconds until he shakes his head to get rid of them and sits on the fence to be at the same height of Duchess to stay focused on his "conversation" with her.

Blitzø: Looney should be more grateful that I got her out of that place.  But she looks at me like I ruined her life when she was already screwed before she met me.

Duchess: That little hellhound's life sure sucks too.  Why don't you just keep her too?  Surely she'd be more grateful.

Blitzø: Nah, that girl is better off in a family where they do love her and adopt her while they're sober.  I can barely deal with my Looney.  In itself adopting Loona was already a radical decision in my life.

The thoughtful Imp can't help but be consumed by his memories once again.  He remembers when he was planning to start his IMP business, he just wanted to get a hellhound who could help him open portals to the living world and give a good impression on customers.

But things didn't turn out 100% what he planned.  Still, adopting Loona was a decision he made while sober and sure of what he was doing.  It's not the same with this kid.

Blitzø snaps back to reality when Duchess nickers at him again.  He rubs her neck as he wags his tail frustrated.

Duchess: In that case, show your point as soon as possible to get rid of this problem.  If that girl is happy to be with you, Loona will notice that you are a good father.

Blitzø: Oh, it's easy to say it, but you haven't had to be with her! She just keeps talking and doesn't even like violence but, Oh! what a surprise! She wants to work as an assassin.

He scratches the fence with his claws, stressed by just remembering the training failure they had during the day, the wooden fence ends up with marks of his anger.

Duchess: Being a father is never easy and you know it.  You're going to have to put up with that little girl if you want your plan to work.

Having said that, Blitzø felt a glimmer of hope that this would all end eventually, so he smiles, encouraged.

Blitzø: You know what Duchess?  You're right.  This'll be a hard as fuck, but the sooner I show  I can be a good father to the kid, the sooner I can reconcile with my daughter and we'll get back to normal.

The mare, seeing Blitzø more motivated to keep with his devious plan, turns away from him and walks back to her stable, without looking back, she finished her job.

The motivated Imp watches her walk away.

Blitzø: Oh, ok, bye!

He turns around to monologue his step-by-step plan, determined to see it through.

Blitzø: I just have to treat that pup right, wait for Loona to realize she needs her dad, accept her apologies, and return the fluff back to the orphanage so my Looney and I can have a better father-daughter relationship without hindrance. HA!..

Blitzø falls silent for a few seconds as he processes what he just said, his smile ceasing.

Blitzø: Damn, that's too fucked up for that kid. Hey, it's hell, she'll be better off with someone else.

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