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Two Imps lie in the main office of the IMP Headquarters. Millie and Moxxie. Also known as M&M. They're minding their business while waiting for their boss.

Millie's holding a bowl of popcorn watching the cartoon Bet-Imp Boob on the office TV.

However, Moxxie's in his seat, tapping the table impatiently.  His boss must have arrived a long time ago.  And it's not like he's worried about him.  Actually, he's angry.

He holds his head on the table, still tapping on it, frustrated.

For Moxx, it's a fact that Blitzø is a TERRIBLE boss.  And well, the company is having financial problems for a reason.

This isn't the first time he's been late.  Blitzø has gotten drunk sometimes to not even show up at work, or he just decides to go to a stable instead of doing what he must..

Who knows?  There's always some different reason whenever he's late.

Moxxie then starts tapping his feet as well, getting more and more impatient as he thinks about the irresponsibility of said boss.

Maybe everything would be easier if he at least apologized every time he was late or admitted his mistake like a mature adult.

But nooo.  Instead of that, his boss decides to tease and humiliate Moxxie.  And if HE makes a mistake, then that's UNFORGIVABLE.

Moxxie growls slightly, showing his sharp teeth.  Completely focused on his thoughts and watching the front door, still not opening.

It's not fair at all.  He and Millie do their job as they should.  They're punctual, well trained and equipped.  They are NEVER late.. as far as he remembers.  And they do whatever their boss asks of them.  And yet, he only looks at their mistakes... Or well, only Moxx's.

The stressed Imp turns to see his wife.  Who keeps eating popcorn and enjoying TV like a kid, killing time with no problem. With a beautiful smile as always.

He still doesn't understand how she can let this go so easily, without getting upset with her boss for his lack of punctuality or disrespect.  It's like she doesn't even notices.  She just...smiles and lets things flow. 

Maybe he should be doing the same.. After all, if he doesn't he'll only keep stressing himself even more.

Moxxie, decides to integrate with Millie, moving his seat to sit next to her, facing the TV.

Millie is so focused on the cartoon that she doesn't notice her husband next to her until he reaches for some popcorn from the bowl.  As soon as she notices him, she brings the bowl to him and looks at her Moxx happily.

He stares at the TV, trying to distract himself, but he's still hunched over and grimacing in frustration.

His wife can instantly tell he's not ok.  So she decides to completely ignore the cartoon to help her dear husband.

Millie: Aw, what's wrong sweetie?

When he hears the tenderness in her wife's voice, and the gentle concern on her face.  Moxxie decides to let her help him. He sighs.

Moxxie: I just can't stand it when our boss does these things.

Millie doesn't say anything,  she just listens intently, tilting her head.

Moxxie: He just doesn't take any of this seriously. It's ridiculous!

Millie: Maybe he just had a mishap.  He must be on his way by now.

Moxxie: That's what he said when I called him, and he still hasn't arrived.

The resentful Imp crosses his arms and pouts, jostling his tail impatiently, while his wife rests her hand on his shoulder.

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