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When the play started. Moxxie was afraid the little hellhound who crashed her date would ruin their moment. At any moment she'd get bored and start distracting them while she talks or she just wouldn't behave, but she didn't.

As soon as the first lighthouse hit the stage and the first musical notes resounded around, Y/N was caught up in the show.

Her pupils dilated and she leaned over the edge of the seat to get a better look. Throughout the play, the little hellhound was amazed by the music, costumes, scenery, songs, story, lighting... All in one putting on a mesmerizing show for her.

It was as if the Phantom of the Opera himself had cast a spell on her with his organ.

Even though the theater was full, Moxxie had never met someone who shared an interest or passion for the musical theater as great as him.

Millie shares his interests with him and obviously enjoys such plays with pleasure, but seeing Y/N marvel at a show like this for the first time, he couldn't help but smile.

Of course she'd like the theater, this is another confirmation that opera's simply perfect.

The show kept going on and the little hellhound never got bored, she watched the play without saying a word, only expressing her opinion about it with gasps or giggles according to some scenes.

She only talked about the play during the intermission where M&M stayed with her in the seats, Moxxie couldn't resist the excitement of the moment and took a selfie with his wife and the kid, and then kept watching the show in comfort when the intermission ended. Even though some scenes scared Y/N, she didn't stop herself from enjoying it.

Eventually the play came to an end. After the farewell performance, all the demons get up and leave the theater.

M&M head out into the lobby hand in hand, with Y/N ​​following behind, bouncing up and down and humming one of the songs enthusiastically.

As soon as they exit the Lobby, the three demons find themselves face to face with the guard looking at them menacingly with crossed arms.

It's not until he looks at Y/N that she remembers she left the bucket and the mop in there.

Guard: Were you in there for the ENTIRE show?..

Although it was very obvious the guard already knew what's happening, the little hellhound cleared her throat and tried to deepen her voice enough, hoping this way it wouldn't show that she's a 7-year-old girl.

Y/N: It's just, uh... that was a very difficult stain to clean.

M&M, seeing the conflict, stand next to her, leaving the hellhound between them. Millie puts her hand on her shoulder.

To make things worse, a short Imp janitor with one black eye wearing only white panties with black hearts staggers out from behind the guard and points at them indignantly.


Millie's eyes widen and she waves nervously.


The little hellhound looks behind her, hoping to find who the janitor's referring to, but when she doesn't see anyone, she turns around again and points to herself, confused.

Moxxie takes his wife's hand in defense when the guard turns on his walkie-talkie.

Guard: Kick-ass required in aisle 13.

As soon as he finishes saying that sentence, five more security guards appear running from different places in the lobby and surround the three demons, the Imps' eyes flare with fury, waiting for a signal to beat them up.

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