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The calm of the city is interrupted by the loud screech of a van with the IMP logo painted on its side. That's right, Blitzø is driving in that van.

Luckily the demons didn't prevent him from taking his van to the car elevator to the sloth ring, despite his drunken state, they were too lazy to check it for good, even if they had the time to do it because the elevator was delayed.

The van goes at full speed playing the song "Mustang Dong" at full volume, while Blitzø, still drunk, tries to get to his destination as soon as possible. In the process he crashes into a couple of things and possibly runs over a demon or two, but he doesn't stop, as he doesn't give a damn and keeps driving like a fucking asshole.

As Blitzø "drives", he sees that he's approaching a building that looks familiar to him. He then sticks his head out the window of his car and with all his effort squints his eyes to read the sign in front of the building, to see if it is the place he had planned to go.

His van continues to speed without stopping, getting closer and closer to the building as Blitzø takes his time trying to identify what the sign says. After a few seconds he finally figures out what those fuzzy spots mean.

Hellhound Adoption Foundation.

Blitzø: Fucking Bingo!

Blitzø hits the brakes all the way down quickly, but what really slows his van down is when it hits the wall of the building. Crashing.

Thanks to Satan Blitzø didn't kill himself on the way to the foundation. Luckily for him, his horns cushioned his skull from shattering when his head hit the glass. He opens the door to his van and staggers out of it from his drunken state but not from the impact, he takes out his keys and locks his van doors.

The wall of the building was left with some large cracks, and the van, although its front part was completely screwed up, is still functional.

Blitzø walks towards the entrance of the Foundation. Conveniently for him, the door was right next to where he crashed his van. So he doesn't have to walk far.

He walks in the front door and finds himself facing the receptionist. An Imp who's fit, leaning back with his hands behind his head and his feet resting on top of the desk. Blitzø sighs as he rolls his eyes annoyed and goes towards him.

Blitzø: Oh great, I have to talk to this dumbass.

He sees him for a few seconds indiferently, then he looks at the sign on the desk, apparently his name is Randy. He looks at Randy again who's still resting, saliva coming out of his mouth and a strong smell of cigarettes.

He seems so calm while dreaming about who knows what the fuck. But Blitzø doesn't give a damn, he came here for something and he's going to fulfill it.


Blitzø slams the table giving the clerk a shit scare making him fall from his chair to the floor. Randy gets up rubbing his head, wincing in pain, and then stands firm in front of Blitzø, clenching his fists tightly and showing his teeth in anger.

Randy: You son of a-.. What the heaven is wrong with you?!

Blitzø: SHUT UP and listen to me! *Hic* I want you to gimme the hellhound who has the MOST emotional peden-.. dep-dependency so that it'll RESPECT me when I adopt it.

The receptionist on some other occasion would have kicked the shit out of that drunken Imp failure. But now he himself wasn't in the mood, when his shift is over he's going to see some prudes and he doesn't want to get dirty with anyone's blood. So he just sneeres at Blitzø before doing his job.

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