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A cup of instant noodles is placed in front of Y/N on the kitchen table.

Blitzø: There, now stop complaining.

The little hellhound without hesitation began to eat said noodles which were the first thing Blitzø found that could be cooked quickly.

The contact of the noodles on her taste buds was enough for her to start wagging her tail with excitement, making her hunger spark a little more energy, since she was a little tired after a long day.

Loona plays with the noodles in her own cup, rotating her fork inside them, lifting them up and dropping them again. She stares in disgust the excess of joy of her "adoptive sister" who's sitting next to her.

On the other hand, Blitzø, out of energy, glared at Y/N. After a whole day of dealing with her and at no time having been useful to him, he mentally regrets his decision to bring her into his life.

Now, the only thing he thinks that can de-stress him is to get out for a while to be away from that useless ball of fur.

He's not in the mood to talk to that kid, so he just leaves the kitchen, puts on his usual coat, and heads out without telling Loona first.

Blitzø: Looney I'm going out, don't wait up for me.

Loona just snorts without taking her eyes off the noodles.

Loona: As if I was going to..

Blitzø sighs bitterly and leaves his home slamming the door, thinking about how many beers or drugs he will have to ingest to drown out his miserable life.

When he leaves, the two hellhounds notice the silence in the entire house.

The young hellhound glances at the door curiously after noticing the absence of the Imp who adopted her, and even though she still has noodles in her mouth she doesn't mind asking.

Y/N: Where did daddy go?

Her older sister doesn't even look at her and focuses on finishing her noodles. She hopes that the fuzz doesn't talk to her again because if she does, she will just get up and walk away from the table and especially from her.

Y/N notices Loona's silence, normally she would keep asking since curiosity eats away at her insides. But knowing that she still hasn't won her older sister's heart, she lowers her eyes and decides to finish her meal in silence.

To Y/N's luck, she finished eating at the same time as Loona, so when she sees her older sister get up and leave the empty cup noodles on the table, she does the exact same thing.

Loona ignores the presence of the young hellhound, so she heads to the bathroom, stands in front of the mirror without seeing it while paying attention to her cell phone as usual, and starts brushing her teeth.

While she's distracted, Y/N walks in and after seeing what Loona's doing she takes her own toothbrush that Blitzø got her from who knows where while he was still drunk the day he adopted her.

She takes the toothpaste in front of her, as she watches her older sister, she brushes her teeth imitating each her movements.

It's not long before the pup feels the spicy freshness of the toothpaste and spits it out into the sink as she exposes her tongue and gasps with teary eyes.

Y/N's loud gasps draw Loona's attention, she puts down her cell phone to see the little rat pouring a lot of water from the sink into her mouth as if it were on fire. Loona scoffs ashamed to be the same species as her.

When she feels Loona's eyes judging her she looks back at her. Seeing the hellhound that despises her's cold gaze, she goes completely still, turns off the faucet, spits the water into the sink, and stands up straight, uncomfortable at her actions. After a long silence, the young hellhound speaks.

Y/N: It was spicy.

Her older sister falls silent as she thinks she doesn't have time for this shit. She spits into the sink, puts her toothbrush back into the empty glass of water, grabs a washcloth and tosses it back as she walks away from Y/N again.

The washcloth falls on Y/N's head covering it completely. When she pulls it off of her, she only sees Loona enter her room slamming the door.

The hellhound pup puts her toothbrush on the same glass and cleans herself with the same wipe before putting it on the sink and running to Loona's room.

To open the door, Y/N jumps to reach the doorknob and turn it, once it's open she returns to the ground and gets inside, but as soon as Loona sees her enter, she gets up from the bed and approaches Y/N, grabs her from her shoulders, picks her up and carelessly throws her out of her room.

Y/N falls face down to the ground and leans on her arms to turn behind her to see Loona in front of the door about to close it without saying a few things.

Loona: Oh no, this time Blitzø isn't here to ruin my life by leaving you in MY room.

Y/N: But my bed is right there.

Loona: That's not even a bed.

The pup gets up from the floor and stands in front of Loona, trying to find an opening to enter the room.

Y/N: I sleep there!

However, right now it's impossible to convince Loona to come in as she's very close-minded about what she wants in this situation, which is to get rid of Y/N.

Loona: Well, sleep on Blitzø's sofa now. That's more comfortable and the best part, further away from me.

Loona closes the door in Y/N's face, and locks the door. Good luck trying to get in now.

Y/N: HEY! Let me in! That's not fair!

The little hellhound knocks on the door with both of her fists as hard as she can to get in.

But all her efforts are useless, Loona just started reading an exclusive magazine about Verosika Mayday as soon as she closed the door and she was determined that NOTHING will make her put that magazine aside.

That doesn't mean she can't hear the knocking on the door along with the little rat's insistence.

Y/N: I want to get in! Please? I'll be good, I promise!!

Besides, listening to the sore-ass brat so desperate and helpless is like music to her ears. Loona smiles, still reading her magazine.

A few minutes later, Y/N's arms wear out and her hands start to hurt from knocking on the door so much. Finally the little hellhound stops, she lowers her arms and still staring at the closed door, she sighs, accepting that Loona won't let her in. Besides her throat didn't let her yell anymore. Hunched over, she no longer knows what to do.

She looks behind her to see the whole house all to herself. Surely there's something for her to get entertained with until Blitzø returns.

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