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Y/N found herself once again trapped in the tortuous mirror maze where she appeared recurrently the last few nights.

She turned every corner she saw, trying to find a way out, but she only found mirrors and more mirrors. The reflections so deformed they didn't even allow her to see her figure properly seemed to mock her desperation.

The young hellhound looked around, knowing she couldn't get out of her prison alone.

Y/N: Hello?....

No one responded, everything was so dark, only some dim lights allowed her to see the maze a short distance away, but even those lights flickered, threatening to leave her in the dark. Desperate to find someone she called.

Y/N: Is anyone here?..

But only silence filled her. The only thing Y/N has been hearing during the long dark ride has been her echoing footsteps. But then the flash of a whispering shadow passed through the corner of her eye.

Y/N: Dad?!

The pup's ears perked up attentively, but she didn't see anyone. Another shadow passed behind her, only being able to feel a quick breeze brush her hair.

Y/N: ... Loona?..

Without finding the comfort of her family. Y/N just kept walking, accelerating the pace, feeling a pang of anxiety at feeling observed. Then, small whispers echoed near her ears, causing them to twitch.

???: You're a weirdo.

???: Pathetic.

???: Deluded little girl.

Y/N looked around, but there was no one there even though the whispers sounded so close.. And yet, they didn't stop.

???: Stop making questions. Stop talking.

???: Its not something important like shooting a REAL weapon!

The hellhound sped up even more, covering her ears, but she could still hear them.

???: I heard you, I just didn't care.


Y/N: Stop..

The cruel whispers echoed inside her head, one over the other, like a reminder of the brand of loneliness and rejection she had felt all her life. There were so many whispers that some she couldn't even understand, but the most hurtful whispers sounded as clear as water.

???: I can't deal with her right now.

She covered her ears tighter and closed her eyes. Why can she still hear them?!

???: She'll just get in the way..

Y/N: Please.. stop..

Her fur stood on end and she clenched her jaw.

???: You're a coward..

???: You're just not good enough for this.


The mirrors around her echoed at her desperate cries, and the whispers subsided until Y/N found herself surrounded in silence after a few brief seconds.

However before she could feel the slightest amount of relief, a growing heat began to surround her. The temperature rose and the young hellhound perceived the smell of smoke an instant before it caught up to her from behind, enveloping her and the entire maze.

She tried to cover herself from the smoke, but still felt her skin burning with the touch of heat once more, and as she looked behind her, she could see the green flames approaching quickly, melting the mirrors on it's path, illuminating the labyrinth with an infernal light.

Helluva Boss X Reader (Season 1)Where stories live. Discover now