Chapter 2 Deku

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Izuku Yagi POV

I woke up in the morning after a long day yesterday. Ever since I learned that I'm quirkless, my parents have been focusing all of their attention on Izumi and left me alone in the dark. But I guess it's just for a day right? I'm sure that today is gonna go back to normal. I got up from my bed and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and all of the sudden my mom called me while holding Izumi in her arm "Izuku, can you let Izumi use the bathroom first? She needs to get ready for school."

Before I can speak, Izumi has entered the bathroom and shut the door. I just stood there with a thought crossing my mind "What just happened, did my mom just prioritize Izumi over me? No, I must be overthinking. Izumi must be exhausted after yesterday's party." So I just waited in front of the door and after 15 minutes Izumi had already finished showering and I went in to brush my teeth and had a shower.

After I finished, I went downstairs to see both my parents and Izumi in the dining room. Mom is in the kitchen cooking a pancake and dad just sitting while reading a newspaper. I went to greet them but none of them replied to me at all, cause they were too busy with their things. So I just sit down and wait for my breakfast. When mom finished cooking, I just saw three plates with pancakes and not four instead. I was confused so I just asked my mom "Mom where's my pancake?" With a perplexed look, my mom replied "Oh sorry dear, looks like I didn't make enough for all of us"

I replied, "It's okay mom, I just grabbed an apple in the fridge or something". When I got up to open the fridge, there was barely any food left except a chocolate bar. "Oh Izumi, we should drive you to school now, it's almost getting late'' says my dad after looking at the clock. After hearing that, I just grabbed the chocolate bar and went to the car with Izumi and dad. I forgot my backpack in my room and went to get it. But when I got down and headed to the car, I just saw dad drive the car to the school without me. I was shocked, did my dad just leave me to go to school on foot?

While I was standing in the doorway, I realized that I was almost late for school so I just went ahead and ran. Thankfully I remembered my way to school since I was 3 years old so I'm not afraid to get lost. And after 30 minutes, I finally made it to the school. I was running till my breath was almost out and I was exhausted.

When I entered the classroom, I got a lot of weird stares and many kids were whispering to each other talking about me. Based on the stares and the quiet talking, I know that they were talking bad about me and I can hear some of them talking.

"Hey is it that kid that you were talking about"

"So the rumors were true"

"My friends say that we should avoid him at all cost"

"He looks pathetic"

"Careful, you may get his disease. I heard it's infectious"

I heard many people talking and I just sat down at my table and saw Izumi was looking at me with a mean look on her face and I don't know why. Did I offend her or something?

While Izuku was confused about his thoughts, Izumi was looking at her big brother and praying that her friend's plan to stop Izuku from trying to be a hero would be a success.

Izumi Pov

"I hope that your plan is working Kacchan," Izumi thought about her friend's plan.

Flashback Start

30 Minutes before Izuku arrived

After arriving at the school, I'm walking to the class while still thinking about yesterday's doctor's visit. The thought of her brother can't be a hero doesn't sit right with her at all. It's like her parents telling their kids that Santa Claus didn't exist, that it's just a fairy tale. I'm still trying to be positive and thinking that it's still an attainable dream and that he still can be a hero. But she can't deny the fact

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