Chapter 12 Chaos At USJ

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The rest of the week flew quickly for class 1A, as it was a very quiet and peaceful week for them without the presence of the resident pomeranian in the room. The class continued with their lesson without Katsuki as they just moved on as if never happened

After what happened during battle training, Katsuki was suspended for a week after his little stunt of firing off a large explosion without considering a possible accident that may happen. When he came home, he was getting lectured by his parents for his explosive attitude and they gave him a warning that if one more accident like this happened, then he can say goodbye to UA immediately.

The very next day after his suspension, his parents told him to go to therapy and attend anger management no matter what, and by the tone his father used to talk to him, he decided to just do it so that his chance of being a hero doesn't slip away.

On the last day of his suspension, Katsuki came to the class and he's back to his arrogant self not caring for any whatsoever. And the rest of them just ignored him as always.

It was the final period on a Monday afternoon and Aizawa Sensei had some things that he would like to announce.

"Alright, now that everyone is here, I can begin. After the whole fiasco during the Battle Training, Nezu had decided that some other quirk training exercise should be started before all of you move to the advanced." Aizawa explains while looking at the certain pomeranian in the back.

"So, for tomorrow, our class will be heading to a rescue training facility known as the Unforeseen Simulation Joint or known as USJ. The school has provided a teacher at the facility to help you train with this subject and you would meet with the teacher at the location" Aizawa explained with his monotone voice.

"You all need to gather at the parking hall at 1'o o'clock tomorrow. If you wish to wear your hero costume, then the school has allowed it. Don't be late or I'll expel you." Aizawa finished explaining.

Before any more questions could be said, Aizawa dismissed the class and everyone began to pack their belongings and prepare to go home.

As Izumi was about to leave, Katsuki approached her immediately after the class was dismissed.

"Hey, Izumi," Katsuki called her in a loud tone.

"What do you want, Katsuki?" Izumi asked back with an annoying tone.

"What's wrong with you, you said we talk after we've finished that training session," Katsuki said without any care as if he hadn't done anything wrong.

"Oh, now you want to talk. Did you have an epiphany this morning or something?" Izumi asked him with a sarcastic tone.

"Look, I just want to apologize for what I did," Katsuki said while clicking his tongue.

She took a glance at him and said with an uninterested look.

"Is that it?" Izumi said

"W-what?" Katsuki was a little surprised by the answer given by her.

"Good, I thought it was something important, guess I was wrong," Izumi said while waving her hand telling him to go away.

"Look, can we talk for a moment?" Katsuki asked her.

"I'm busy, leave me alone," Izumi said while grabbing her school bag.

"Damn it, listen to me!!!" Katsuki said while raising his voice a little and grabbing her wrist.

"Or what are you gonna blast me again?!" Izumi taunts him.

"You said we're gonna have a talk after the Battle Training," Katsuki replied while arguing with her.

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