Chapter 32 Secrets and Lies

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"You want me to what?!" Nezu shouted from his desk while staring at Toshinori in front of him.

In his time as a principal for one of the best hero schools in Japan, he had never heard such a ridiculous request coming from someone. This wasn't something that he had expected in all of his life. He stared intensely at the man standing in front of him as if he was ready to jump from his desk and scratch his face.

After Toshinori had entered the room asking for a meeting between them, he was a bit reluctant but he decide to comply and hear him out. But after he listen to his request, he was hoping that he rejected the meeting before it even started.

"I dare you to say it again Toshinori. Come on I dare you!!" Nezu shouted at the top of his lung while ready to explode.

"I-I need to see my son's body. I need to confirm whether his body is real or not." Toshinori said in a shaky voice.

"And why do you need to see his body, if I may ask," Nezu asked looking for an explanation.

Toshinori was sweating a bit after being asked for an explanation. He knows that no matter what, the principal gonna need some explanation and he won't comply with his request without it. He didn't want to sound crazy but he needs to confirm whether his son is actually alive or not.

"I just want to see it, please Nezu I can't explain it-" Toshinori said but he was cut off by Nezu.

"So you wake up in the morning, and suddenly you had the urge to see your son's body in his grave like it's a normal thing. DID YOUR PARENT DROP YOU OFF WHEN YOU WERE A BABY TOSHINORI, OR ARE YOU ALWAYS THIS BRAINDEAD?" Nezu shouted right at the man who was five times the size of him.

"Please Nezu, it's complicated," Toshinori told him.

"Well, I'm all ears Toshinori." Nezu sarcastically said.

So Toshinori explain about his meeting with Katsuki Bakugou right before the Training Camp started. About his hallucination meeting with his dead son, telling him that he's changed and kept haunting him in his head, that he's been appearing in his head ever since the Sports Festival has ended. Then after good thirty minutes, he finished explaining it while looking for the principal for some confirmation or anything, but all he responded with was his eyes wide open the size of a golf ball.

"So let me get this straight, Katsuki Bakugou has been hallucinating about your dead son for the last two months," Nezu said calmly while trying to hold his emotion.

"That's right." he nodded.

"And he's telling you that he's been messing with his head," Nezu said.

"That's correct." he nodded again

"And he's been constantly appeared in his mind, which caused his uproar, which he gets constant nightmare all the time," he said.

"That's right." he nodded again.

"And you speculate that perhaps he's alive and possessed a quirk that he got from All For One." he finished talking.

"That's right principal, I know it's a huge request but please I-" and once again he was being cut off by Nezu.

"YOU DAMN RIGHT IT'S A HUGE REQUEST. ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS RIGHT NOW!!" Nezu shouted once more right at his face while throwing his cup of tea right at him.

"You asked me to dig his grave, his resting place, to check whether his body is still there or not all because of some deranged kid nightmare!!!" Nezu shouted.

"Please principal, I know how bizarre this request is but we need to make sure that my son doesn't fall into the grasp of All For One influence. If he truly is fallen on their side, then we must take proper action." Toshinori tried to reason with the principal.

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