Chapter 17 Jealousy and Anger

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The entire stadium is watching the scene in front of them as the sound of cries echoes throughout the arena. No longer was the arena filled with cheers and clapping hands. But instead, it was filled with horror and dread. The sound of happy kids cheering for their future heroes in training was replaced with crying and tears coming from them as their parents are trying to comfort their offspring because of the loud sound of the explosion.

Everyone in the crowd was gasping and crying out after watching the attack that hit a group of teams in the arena. The smoke is covering the arena as they watched in suspense, waiting for what's about to happen. Just before anyone could get a word out, the smoke began to clear out as we saw a blond man just standing on the top of shattered ice grabbing a headband worth ten million points while laughing out loud like a maniac.

Katsuki laughed at the sky as he had just won the second event. Cheering that he was the best in this school, while the others along with the crowd are wondering what happened to Todoroki's Team.

As their vision is starting to clear out, we could see the ice that protects them begin to fall apart as Shoto used his ice to cover them in safety. They were coughing up as if they just got hit by an explosion. Shoto, who saw Katsuki laughing with no care at all for their classmate's safety, began to feel anger boiling in his blood.

He immediately got up from the ice debris that comes from the ash blond explosion quirk and went ahead to him at once. Some of his teammates were seeing him coming over to Bakugou who was laughing without utter care at all and charged at him and gave him a right hook on his jaw, punching him out of frustration.

"Have you lost your mind or something, YOU JUST FIRE OFF THAT EXPLOSION TO US, AND FOR WHAT? TRYING TO WIN A COMPETITION?" Shoto yelled at Katsuki face.

"DO YOU EVEN CARE WHAT MIGHT HAPPEN TO US WHEN YOU USE YOUR QUIRK? LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO US" Shoto shouted at Katsuki and pointed his finger at his teammate who was still caught in the debris.

"GET OFF ME ICY HOT. YOU JUST COULDN'T HANDLE THAT YOU LOST TO ME. FACED IT. YOU'RE NOT THE STRONGEST IN THIS CLASS. I AM!! AND THIS PROVES IT!!" Katsuki yelled as he pushed him to the ground and stood up while raising the headband as a symbol of his victory.

"HOW DOES IT FEEL HUH, KNOWING THAT YOU JUST LOST TO ME? I BET IT WAS FUCKING HUMILIATING RIGHT!!" Katsuki shouted at him while showing his maniacal grin.

"Dude, were you even concerned that we might get caught up in your blast or something," Sero screamed at his teammate as he tried to get back to his feet.

"Huh, why should I anyway it's not my fault you got caught up with the blast?" Katsuki arrogantly said to his team.

Sero who heard that began to march his way towards the explosion boy to give him a piece of his mind but Mina suddenly get in his way to hold him in his place. They were about to start an argument only for the sound of Kaminari trying to wake someone.

"Iida, were you okay," Kaminari asked as the bespectacled boy passed out.

"Iida wakes up," Momo called out to her class president.

Soon everyone turned around and they saw Iida who was covered in bruises and laying on the debris of ice. His UA gym clothes are being torn apart because of the explosion and his entire body is covered in brush. He was currently laying on the ground unconscious, not responding to his friends calling out his name.

"What happened? I thought Shoto ice was protecting them." Kirishima asked while checking on their class president as well.

"It did, but Iida was standing at the front during our cavalry battle. The aftershock from the blast that was fired off from it must have knocked him out, and he's taking most of the damage." Momo explained as she joined in to check up on his friend.

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