Chapter 44 The Corpse That I Know

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Izumi sat down on the chair in the waiting room for the students who passed the first round. She currently waiting for the call of the second round. She along with her friends is currently taking a Provisional License Exam along with the other classes. After arriving from the bus, they were immediately headed to the auditorium filled with almost thousand of students participating. There's an instructor to explain the rules of the test saying that during this year, the exam was modified to be much more exclusive in its vetting processes and now less than 10% of students can pass.

Then they explained the rule of the first round, they must place three targets, or "weak points" as they explain on their body in any exposed area. Students also receive a box with six orange balls. The targets light up if they're hit by one of the balls. If all three targets are hit by a ball, that student is eliminated. The competitor that lights up another student's third target is credited with their elimination. And the students must eliminate two other competitors to pass the first phase, and only the first 100 applicants to pass will advance to the final phase.

As soon as the test started, everyone immediately went after UA. There's a tradition in the provisional licensing exam called "Crushing of UA." where students from other schools target UA because their quirk has already been made in public because of the Sports Festival. But the other reason for that is because they want to get rid of UA students, especially Class 1A.

Ever since the whole reveal, there have been several people that disagree with the decision of letting them enter UA in the first place, and the students are using this opportunity to get them back by preventing them for pass, thinking that they don't have the right to be a hero or to enroll in hero class in the first place.

And that's what she's been feeling right now, she was sitting in the waiting room while having a hundred people staring at her and her friends. Some of them are even talking behind her back while muttering a few words. She didn't hear it but she could take guess what they were talking about.

She didn't like this feeling at all, being ostracized by everyone. It felt wrong and yet she deserves it. Right after the whole reveal, her sensei came to the house and asked her parent to sign a permission that allowed her to stay at the dorm made by UA but by the tone of her sensei, it wasn't a request but an order. So her parent immediately signed the permission and she was told to immediately pack and head to UA.

She couldn't complain at all considering her situation is already on edge. Living under the gun with her brother coming after her and her entire hero career already hanging isn't helping at all.

While she was stuck in her train of thought, the walls of the waiting room suddenly collapsed signaling that the second round is already started. She immediately rushes forward readying herself for the second round.





"It's Izuku. It has to be him." Nighteye said while circling the room.

"Yeah, but to what end?" Gran Torino asked.

"The concrete came from a construction company called Atlas Inc, which only lasted for about three years after it was opened in Japan, and their biggest client is Strongarm HQ which is a support item factory that produced most of All Might support gear before David Shield came in." Tsukauchi said over the phone, "And the skin under the victim's fingernails matches Toshinori DNA."

"Tsukauchi, are you positive that this test is accurate?" Nezu calmly asked.

"A hundred percent. The problem is all those forensics passed through a whole lot of labs." Tsukauchi explained.

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