Chapter 3 Hell Loop

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Izuku POV

Pain aches from my body when I open my eyes. After I woke up from the beating my sister and her friends gave me, I can feel my body stiff. When I'm fully awake, I really that the sun has finally come down and it's getting late. I'm trying to stand up but my right leg is hurting from the beating and I'm walking with a limp.

When I'm headed to my neighborhood, I can feel that some of my neighbors are looking at me with a disgusted look and giving me a stink eye. There were whispers and not the kind ones by I can tell and they avoid me like I'm some kind of plague. As I was deep in my thought, I didn't realize that someone throwing an empty plastic bottle at my head and it hit my head. And the adult didn't reprimand or scolded the person, instead, they praised the perpetrator and encourage others to do the same. I was practically the clown of my neighborhood. A joke. A laughing stock.

After a painful walk, I finally arrive at my home. I can see the lights on the balcony were turned on and I can hear my family's voices inside the house. But when I open the door, I wasn't greeted with a warm welcome like I always do, but with an angered look on both my parents and Izumi was crying while rubbing her arm.

Before I could speak, I was being pulled harshly by my mother and she started to ask me a question in a demanding tone.

"Izuku, I was told by Izumi that you were pushing her to the ground. Did you do it or not ?"

I was perplexed by the question itself. Did her own mother think that I pushed her to the ground? I can tell by the look on my mother's face that she was angry about something that I didn't even do. And I didn't do it.

"N... no mom, I-I didn't d-do it" I answer her question while stuttering.

But it seems that my mom didn't believe a word that came from my mouth. So she asked again with a loud tone.

"Izuku Yagi, you have five seconds to tell me the truth or you'll be in bigger trouble"

"B-but I didn't do it. I didn't push her" I replied.

"That's it!! Go to your room young man. Until you tell us the truth, you're not allowed to leave your room at all" said my father with an angered look.

"And no dinner to you at all!!" said my mom loudly.

Can't handle the yelling and shouting, I just stormed out of my room while crying my eyes out. What is going on? Why is this happening to me? Why did her sister lie to mom and dad just to get me in trouble? Everything is turned upside down ever since yesterday's visit to the doctor and not in a good way.

The neighbor is being mean, my friends are turning against me, my best friend has abandoned me, my sister is bullying me, and now my parents have started to hate me.

As I was crying in my room, I can hear a peal of laughter and happy voices downstairs. I quietly open my room and walk slowly to the staircase to see what's going on. My father and mother are sitting at a table eating a katsudon along with my sister. Laughter and joy can be heard from the staircase, as I see them laugh with no worries at all. They act as if they were happy to have dinner without me joining at the table. They were like a happy family.

My father is having a lovely conversation with Izumi about her day at school and she's just talking about showing her quirk and the rest of her classmates and her teacher were proud of her, saying that she will be a great hero. She's sitting there talking about her day while leaving a small detail about her and her friends bullying me at school.

After she was done talking about her day, my mom just smile at my sister while praising her even more. "We're so proud of you Izumi, you're the best daughter a parent could ever have"

When those sentences were left in my mom's words, I felt my heart just sting a little bit. I watch as she's getting all the love, all the praise, all the acknowledgment, all the care in the world while leaving me in the dark. Since I can't take it anymore I just quietly entered my room and just headed to bed while a tear slipped through my eyelid and a question with no answer.

Izuku Yagi: Revenge From HellWhere stories live. Discover now