Chapter 41 Outcast of Hell

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The next two hours after Izuku had shown up, everything had gone sideways. The battle between three powerful forces had been announced with the death of All For One. Of course, his death brings some form of celebration, but it was utterly pointless with a hefty price. A handful number of police officers lost their lives in the line of duty, three pro heroes were injured, and the number four pro hero, Best Jeanist is out of commission.

The biggest blow for everyone was the reveal of All Might true form. Everyone was shocked to hear that the Symbol of Peace is nothing more but a scrawny frail man who resembled a skeleton. After what happened at Might Tower, every law enforcer began to warrant a search party for Izuku's whereabouts. Multiple police and the pro hero had been given orders to search for him and apprehended him.

The entire street had been swarming with patrol cars looking for his whereabouts. Helicopters flying on the top of Japan monitor the sky while hundreds of patrol cars are searching on the ground. Pro Hero had been asked to do a search for Izuku and granted permission to proceed with caution.

As for Katsuki's situation, he's currently laying on the bed in the infirmary after being exhausted from overusing his quirk when he fought with Izuku in Ground Beta. Most of his body is covered in bandages on his hand and legs and he's still feeling tired. They also did a detox on his body, to make sure that whatever drugs Izuku put there is out of his system. He was resting in his bed while trying to think about what just happened in the last hours.

"You tried to change, but deep down, you don't want to change. You enjoyed beating people to the ground and torturing them till you were satisfied."

He began to remember the sound of his cry for help, telling them to stop, but Katsuki kept going because he need to teach the quirkless their place in this world. And that's right at the bottom of his shoes.

"No one would miss a murderer you knew."

He remember his words clearly as he began to shake in fright. The fact that he was branded as a murderer was a shock for him. To think that his action is nothing close to a hero is shocking for him. Everyone kept telling him that he'll make a great hero one day, that he'll be as amazing just like All Might. But he knew that even All Might wouldn't torture a defenseless kid let alone a quirkless.

"Face it Bakugou, you're nothing more but a splitting image of Toshinori's twisted parenting. All that's left is for you to find yourself a wife, have a kid, and continued your abuse them for not living up to your grand expectation..... who knows, maybe you lay a hand on your children and wife in the future."

He knew that All Might is a great hero, the greatest if he had to admit it. But Toshinori Yagi isn't as perfect as his hero persona. He neglected his son because of a quirk test and he simply erased his existence from his head. He along with his wife forgot their own son's existence and he didn't even realize that he abandoned his son in the dark.

Will he become just like Izuku's father, but even worse? Will he neglect his own child if they didn't have a quirk? He began thinking about it in his head when he would come home from work and heard the news of his child's quirk test, it came out that his child is born quirkless and he slapped his child because of it. Then he yelled at his wife for giving him failure as a child and his wife kept repeating sorry over and over again.

He began to erase the image from his head. The fact that he will beat his own child in the future because they didn't have a quirk frightens him. But he couldn't deny that his current action will lead him into that kind of future. He knew that one day, that image will become true.

As Katsuki still deep in his thoughts, the door is suddenly opened and Aizawa came in by his facial expression, he wasn't pleased with him waking up at all.

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