Chapter 50 Explosive Festival

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Toshinori is sitting on the wooden chair on his patio. He grabbed the wooden cup on the desk filled with water and drink its content slowly almost like he was being forced to drink a horrible medicine while eyeing the guards once in a while. The guard kept his gun trained and rarely abandoned his post except to go to the bathroom or have his meal.

He grunts in silence looking towards the guard remembering how he got into this predicament.

Flashback Start

"What do you mean that I'm being transferred?" Toshinori asked out loud slamming his fist onto the table while looking at two people in front of him.

Right now, Toshinori is sitting on the chair in the cabin with Tsukauchi and the Chief of Police as they discuss his sudden transfer to a different location with more restrictions. Not to mention that his visitation right had been removed and he was not allowed to see anyone during the imprisonment.

"As we said before, you are hereby being transported to a more secure place under the excuse that you've been smuggling dangerous contraband into the facility, stealing a piece of evidence from the police, and inviting two unwanted guests to this location as well-" Tsukauchi informed.

"They were my family Tsukauchi!! They have the right to pay their visit!!" Toshinori slammed the table once more but the detective seems to be unfazed with his action.

"That they no longer have because you decided to bring them without informing the authorities or the responsible party. Not to mention that the judge that grants them the visitation right owes you a favor and provides you with an unauthorized form of visitation and forgery and bribing is counted as a violation of the contract that you sign when you were moved here." Tsukauchi explained slowly but the chief who's been sitting beside him could tell that he was feeling exhausted with the man sitting in front of him.

"So as to follow, you're no longer allowed to have any visit with anyone or make any contact with any individual including the guard during your imprisonment. No letter or video, no hidden message, no secret code to communicate. The guard will check on your cabin three times a day or more with the circumstance if the guard feels that it's necessary. No electronic device or sharp object on the premises, not even knives or glass. And any other restriction you could read it on the contract and we need you to sign it as proof of your agreement." Tsukauchi placed the contract on the table waiting for him to read it but Toshinori didn't show any sign that he would.

"I'm not signing anything until I see my wife and my daughter." he crossed his arms in front of his chest not taking the paper at all.

Tsukauchi rubs his forehead in frustration with his childish tantrum. it's almost like he's talking with a three-year-old child that won't admit his mistake.

"This is not a negotiation Toshinori, you will sign it or else we could make this matter more difficult for you and your family." the chief told him.

"Do not threaten my family!! I did what I had to in order to save my daughter's life." Toshinori rise from his chair and immediately the two guards standing in front of the front door pull their guns and aimed it at the frail Symbol of Peace. The chief put his hand in the air signaling them to stand down as Toshinori sat down on his chair.

"Stealing a piece of evidence, bringing a firearm into the premises, lying to the authorities, sneaking two uninvited guests into the premises, plotting a crime that endangers the lives of the students and everyone, you're looking at life in prison before all of this comes to light Toshinori and now you think you hold any power to make demands?!" Tsukauchi seething in rage looking at the skeleton man on how oblivious he was to the situation he was in.

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