Chapter 9 Deal With A Devil

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Izuku POV

Where am I and what was I doing here? That's what filled my mind as I stood in the middle of a void which I presume. I opened my eyes and there was no sight of anything in there. It's total darkness. I couldn't feel no air and my sense aren't working as they should be.

I'm trying to remember how could I be trapped wherever this place is but my memory is still blurry for some reason. All I could remember is a flashing light and a burning sensation. And an evil smirk for some reason.

Then my mind is starting to click, I got blasted by fire or explosion perhaps. But why am I got blasted? Did I got stuck in the middle of a war or something? I tried to concentrate my mind, trying really hard to remember what was happening to me. I'm starting to remember a dark alley, an enraged emotion, a burst of mocking laughter, a flash of an explosion, and finally a chilling feeling.

My mind is trying to put the piece together, but it feels like something is still missing. Like something to tie the piece altogether. I feel like I had the puzzle piece but I don't have the image on the puzzle.

Then I'm starting to remember something that makes my blood boil, a word that makes me want to puke.


Now I remember, I was attacked in the middle of the alley. I'm trying to vent out my anger as I remember that my deadbeat father is actually the number one hero, All Might, and turns out that he has a quirk that could be transferred to me but he choose his egotistical sister because I wasn't worthy enough.

So I lashed out and tried to vent out my anger and frustration by trashing a couple of junk and trash in an alley, where those asshats of friends decided to confront me. But I decided to fight back, which is kinda weird for me.

It's like someone pumps all my brain cells with drugs or something. I feel like I was a supercar that was put on a fast lane in a circuit. But I was outnumbered and outmatched, as much as I hate to say it. And they beat me up so bad, that I was dead.








Wait, I'm dead

I could tell that I didn't have a coma, cause my heart stopped as I hold my chest to feel a pulse. Or maybe I had a concussion that my mind is starting to hallucinate. But that doesn't explain that I couldn't feel or see anything. Maybe it's the afterlife. So is this heaven or hell? Or perhaps like an impasse between them.

As I was stuck in my own thought, a flash of red light appeared from the sky. I looked up and the light is falling down on me. I'm trying to evade it but it landed straight in front of me, as the light is forming a silhouette of someone or something, I couldn't tell.

"Well, it took quite a well for you to figure out how you died, but not bad for a newbie," said the mysterious voice.

"Who are you?" I replied while looking at the light itself with caution.

"Well you could call me Drachma, you feeble human." said the demon while looking at me like I'm an inferior being.

"Where am I and what's going on?" I asked looking alarmed as an actual demon is literally standing in front of me.

"Huh...since your tiny human brain couldn't figure it out, let me explain this to you. Right now, you're currently stuck in limbo." Drachma answer rudely.

"A limbo?" I replied back to his answer.

"Yes, it's like a waiting room for you humans. A human soul that just left the human realm and now wandering around in here waiting for your judgment," he replied.

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