Chapter 48 Empty Promise

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Mirio stood in between Shigaraki and Overhaul as both of them are readying themself for a fight that was about to come.

"Where's Eri?!" Mirio asked towards Overhaul.

"Who knows? Maybe she's already gone out." Overhaul said while wiping the dirt on his mask.

And before Mirio could say his word, his communicator is turned on while hearing news coming from Izumi.

"Everyone, I have Eri's location. I see her right now." Izumi said while he sighed in relief knowing that she was safe, "But we have a problem. Izuku is here with her."

The moment the news hit Mirio's eardrum, he went into a panic thinking that all three of them is here and the alliance is real but it turns out to be failed.

"Looks like you heroes will be busy then, so what's it gonna be?" Shigaraki asked and Mirio couldn't move from his spot while thinking about his next move. If he choose to abandon the two in front of him and went after to rescue Eri, then they could lose any chance of defeating two major villains. But if he decided to fight with these two, then they would lose any chance of rescuing Eri in the future.

Right now Mirio is stuck between rock and hard place as he had to choose between saving the girl or prioritizing the destruction of their alliance. And his answer is coming from the communicator with his mentor giving him the answer he needs.

"Mirio, hold both of them till I along with Aizawa arrived. Yagi, you're gonna have to hold on a little bit longer. Do not pursue under any circumstance." Nighteye ordered him through the earpiece.

After hearing that, Mirio suddenly rushed in, running straight in Overhaul's direction. And suddenly a stone spike emerges from the floor going through Mirio because of his quirk.

"It seems you're a lot more than just your quirk." Overhaul commented on his quick thinking.

He kept using his quirk by placing his hands on the ground and reconstructing the ground, making both Mirio and Shigaraki lose the ground and changing the shape of the floor.

"Damn Yakuza," Shigaraki grunts as he places his hand on the wall in front of him and disintegrates it instantly.

Mirio kept evading it by using his Permeation and slips through the spikes. However, Overhaul didn't show any signs of stopping his attack and kept changing the ground either by destroying it or turning it into spikes to attack them both.

He tried to sneak from behind and land an attack but Overhaul's reaction was quicker and he touched the ground to completely destroyed it creating a trench between them making Mirio fall back and retreat.

While Overhaul kept using his quirk, turns out his plan is to cut off their escape plan by sealing the room.

"That's your big plan, to turn this place into your coffin?" Shigaraki asked while grinning at Overhaul.

"And what's your big idea, turn the wall into dust? One wrong move and you destroyed the pillar that's holding this building and buried us all three together," he questioned Shigaraki's decision.

However, Mirio merely smirked at that statement.

"But I can just phase through the building easily," Mirio said while looking at Overhaul.

"Go ahead then, you might be able to escape, but the rest of you heroes aren't gonna be so lucky." he threatens him knowing that as a hero, he won't allow that to happen.

So Mirio holds his ground, but not before asking him a certain question.

"That girl, I know that you're using her because of her quirk.... how could you do that to your own child?" Mirio yelled, "Disassemble your own kid?!"

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