Chapter 53 God vs Devil

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Ling fell from the portal as he landed on the ground filled with junk all over them. Right in front of him is Shawn and Akemi who landed on the ground too. Then behind him, Hisoka came along Sergio who managed to land on their feet.

They all look around and spotted that they were behind an alley street in an unknown city. It was dark without barely any light except the moonlight that was around their head. There's a trash bin near their left area and bags around them filled with trash bags.

Ling quickly gets up from where he landed and dusted himself before ranting, "Alright, now someone can tell me what the hell is going on?!"

"Yeah, why did the plan change all of a sudden? And what's approaching us back there?" Akemi looked towards Shawn who got a glimpse of it.

"It's All Might. I don't know how but somehow he found where we were and tried to take us all out while he's at it." Shawn grabbed his rifle and quickly cogged it while heading to the main street. And quickly, Akemi blocked his way and stopped him.

"Where do you think you're going?" Akemi stopped him on his track.

"What else? This is my checkpoint. I'm heading to higher ground, trying to get a better point of view for me to snipe." he told her straight up and Akemi didn't like his answer at all.

"No, we're not. We're heading back to where Izuku is and helped him." but Hisoka didn't budge with her gaze and told him to open a portal to Izuku's location.

"Akemi, we can't bail on the plan. We already agreed-" Shawn remind her about the plan before she cut him off and pulled a gun from her hip strap and aims it at Hisoka's head.

Shawn pulled out his pistol and aims it at Akemi. Hisoka remains on where he stood not moving a muscle, raising his hand in the air while watching the standoff between Shawn and Akemi. Sergio and Ling watch from behind in silence.

"Don't fuck with me, Akemi. This is not a Tarantino film. Put down the gun." Shawn glares at her waiting for her to lower her gun but she didn't show any signs.

"Akemi, we're all agreed with the plan before. We're not changing the plan just because All Might make his sudden debut after his long sabbatical!!" Hisoka yelled towards her.

"That was before All Might got jumped on us and went to a head-to-head battle with Izuku!! He had a better chance of beating him if we're all there to give him support!!" her expression is a mixture between worry and anger. She knew just how strong Izuku is but she couldn't help but worry that something bad might happened to him. And to hear that they prioritized the mission over his safety is something that angered her.

She didn't know where her rage was coming from, but it had propelled her to her feet too. Shawn looked as though Akemi had hit him. She tried to argue about the matter but Sergio stepped in before a fight could break in.

"That's enough!! Akemi, I understand how you feeling right now. But tried to have a bit more faith in Izuku. He's been preparing this for a long time, do you actually believe that he will lose to him?" Akemi's silence was all of the answers she needed to her from herself.

"Trust in him. Just like he entrusted us with this job, we trusted him to take care of himself." Sergio told him with a calm voice and Akemi's expression turned from worry to calm.

"There's no time to waste. Hisoka, set another portal for our next checkpoint and wear your communicator. We'll hit all five points in a simultaneous attack. Understood?" Sergio quickly took command of the mission and everyone nodded and quickly entered the portal, Shawn climbed up the stairs on the wall to set up his gear.





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