Chapter 10 Welcome To UA

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Izumi POV

It's been almost 10 months since that day in the forest. 10 months that I lost my brother all because of my stupidity and things have started to go downhill since that day.

After we arrived at UA that night, Nezu and all of the UA Staff held an emergency meeting to decide our fate whether we were allowed to enter UA School. After nearly 4 hours, the meeting was over and they called all of us and they decided that all of our recommendations are being rejected and the fact that we were already allowed to enter UA is already a blessing. During the 10 months before we took the test for the UA Entrance Exam, all of us were under house arrest and wearing an ankle bracelet with GPS attached. If we decide to leave the premises under 300 meters then we get thrown into jail immediately.

However, just before they could punish us, dad decided to contact the HPSC and they choose to intervene in this matter saying that the daughter of the symbol of peace can't go to prison for a simple matter of quirkless child. Saying that the symbol of peace must be free from all flaws and can't have dirt or stain on it, or the crimes in Japan will skyrocket because of this.

Nezu with a heavy heart has to say that the HPSC is interfering with the decision because of me as All Might's daughter and that they don't want to lose 22 heroes in training students over a case of a dead quirkless kid. So they decided to sweep this matter under the rug and the rest of us is get away with no punishment as much to Aizawa's dismay.

However, what happened inside the UA is fair play as Nezu said. He told us that we all need to attend therapy and anger management before and during UA. After that, we had to wear a quirk-canceling bracelet inside of the classroom and after we graduate from UA, for the first five years we only get half paid as our paycheck will be transferred to the Quirkless Community.

After we were done with the meeting Nezu decided to leave us with one final word before we left the room.

"You kids are lucky.... because the HPSC decided to intervene with this matter, I have no choice but to accept you into the UA Hero Course. You're all lucky that what you committed is off the record, cause if it wasn't you wouldn't walk through UA right now. However I could still make your time in UA unpleasant, Aizawa will become your homeroom teacher and he's been given full authority to run his class however he sees fit. So if he wants you to attend a certain class during your holiday, you will comply no matter what. If he wants to train you to the bone, you will do it till he tells you to stop, and if he wants to expel you, then he can do it without the need for my authorization. If you had any problem with this, you all know where the door is and can apply to other schools, but I doubt that they offer the leniency that we had considering the crimes you committed."

After that, we left the school and I could see that all of my friends were being dragged straight to their homes waiting to get chewed off by our parents. When we arrived, Mom just went upstairs and went to bed without saying a word. She's still in shock after what happened and Dad just went to the living room and sat on the couch while looking at the family picture except without Izuku on it.

On the day of Izuku's funeral, Mom and Dad want to go to the funeral to pay their respect to Izuku, but Uncle Enji, Aizawa, and Gran Torino forbid them to go anywhere near Izuku's grave. They argued that they have every right to go to the funeral, but Gran Torino sternly said that they were not part of his life before and coming to his funeral now would be nothing but a huge disrespect to his name and Hisashi.

The rest of my friends weren't also allowed to join them to visit Izuku's grave as well and if they decide to sneak in or join in without them knowing, then they could kiss their spot at UA for good.

Ever since that day, our home is in shambles. Mom hasn't been her usual self, she's just sitting at the table while contemplating everything that just happened. She didn't know why she abandoned her son just like that. She truly misses him and she would give up everything just to see him one more time. But she knows that it's too late. She had failed her son.

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