Chapter 46 Desperado Encounter

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Izumi is sleeping in her dorm room after coming from Nighteye Agency. She was completely exhausted after running around the room trying to get the stamp for her internship approval. Feeling all sore and tired, she decided to hit the bed early and try to get a good night's sleep.

While she's closing her eyes and laying her head on the pillow, she then suddenly dragged from her consciousness feeling all lightheaded. She then being dragged to a void filled with nothing but blackness.

She turned her head from one direction to another to find nothing or no one. Then she tried to shout out to call for anyone, and behind her back, a silhouette began to form of a woman.

"So.... you finally encountered your demon huh?"

Izumi turned her head behind to find her father's mentor, Nana Shimura who is also known as the seventh user of One For All. She was standing crossing her arm while looking at her with a disappointed look, almost like a mother who was disappointed with her child's action.

"D-Demon?" Izumi asked.

"Your brother. The one people called, The Demon of Musutafu." Nana replied.

"You... you knew?" Izumi looked in surprise.

"We see from your own eyes Izumi. We all saw and know what happened, and I have to say part of me was glad that it happened, it shows that some people weren't actually what they always looked like. That years of abuse would lead to a path of destruction." she looked at her with an unreadable reaction as she could tell just by her choice of words, she was feeling disappointed.

"But why didn't you tell me anything? Why do you prefer to keep your silent all to yourself?" Izumi felt almost betrayed knowing that the previous One For All users knew about her brother.

"Last time we communicate it's because of the purple-haired boy quirk that allows you to connect with us. The only reason why we could do it now it's because you're reached the necessary percentage use of One For All." Nana explained.

"Then you knew that I want to help him now. Izuku.... my brother-"

"He's not your brother, just like your father old sidekick said. Toshinori merely took him out of pity because he was married to your mother now, who's actually Hisashi's previous wife." Nana stated while looking at her.

"You along with your friends and family created something sinister, Izumi. The son of one of the greatest heroes in Japan happens to be the monster that you created along with the world itself, how ironic is fate."

"But I want to help him now. I know that I along with my friends are the cause of his turn like this, but I can't just give up hope because things were proven to be difficult. I know that it won't be easy but I had to try." she argued about it while half shouting in the empty void.

Nana looked at her for a second before giving her an answer.

"What else?" Nana asked with a stern expression.

"Huh?" Izumi looked in confusion.

"You said you wanted to help him, let me ask you first then, how do you plan to help him in the first place?" she asked only to find silence from the green-haired kid.

"From what I knew, you barely know your brother in the last ten years and now you wanted to extend your hand and help him, so how do you plan on doing this? Will you bring some family pictures and reminded him that he had a place in your house? Are you gonna visit him in some prison for who knows how long? Are you gonna push him to be a hero even though he already lost that drive for who knows how long? What kind of life are you planning for him?" she looked at her for an answer but Izumi is left confused as she tried to find an answer to the question she seeks.

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