Chapter 29 Silent Scream

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Momo was standing in front of a tombstone. A bouquet of flowers in her hand. She placed the bouquet and prayed. When she finished praying, Momo pulled her phone from her school uniform and opened it. She scrolls it to find a photo. A photo of the last time she hang out with her best friend when she was little.

It was one of the last photos that she had. She remembers it just like yesterday when both of them were playing in the backyard of her mansion and they were chasing around playing hide and seek and her mother took a picture of her being chased by Izuku.

She missed those smiles and whenever she want to remember him, she comes here with a bouquet and looked at the picture to remind her about him.

"It's been a while Zuzu.... I miss you..." she stared at the name of the grave.

"I just want to say that I'm not gonna come here for a few days. I'm having this training camp in the woods," she said to the stones and just like any other day, she get no reply.

"Anyway, I'll come back in a few days. Just want to come here in case you get lonely." she wiped the tears from her eyes and said goodbye to head back to UA.





The next day, back at UA, the class started to get ready for their summer camp, almost everyone in the class passes the exam except Mina, Kirishima, Sato, Kaminari, and Sero. The class started to head to the bus with Iida leading the class to the buses, in an orderly fashion much to the class's dismay saying that it wasn't that kinda bus. So the class was sitting in their own place.

The travel itself was pretty smooth except for Aizawa who was trying to sleep while the rest of his students is chatting loudly. The class continues to talk about the exam and gossip among each other, some of them are sitting while playing with their phone, and others prefer to just sleep till they arrived.

One hour later, the bus came to stop saying that they arrived and instructed them to get out. But they didn't see the training camp filled with instructors or a campsite with training equipment or even a welcoming entrance, instead, they were standing in the middle of nowhere near a cliff.

"Where are we?" Izumi looked around to find an empty field.

"This isn't the place right?" Katsumi said who was also confused.

"Who cares, at least we could stretch our legs for a while," Mina said while stretching her legs with Kaminari and Sero.

As the student came down from the bus, they began to stretch their legs and enjoy the view as well. The smell of the mountain air and the forest near the cliff is enough to calm their distracted mind for a while.

"We've stopped here for a reason," Aizawa explained while waiting for someone. "They should be here soon."

They kept looking around while enjoying the view when suddenly two woman figures appear in front of them.

"Rock on with these sparkling gazes." said one of them in a cute manner.

"Stringly cute and catlike." the other followed.

"We're the Wild Wild Pussycat." both of them said in unison while striking a pose.

Everyone watched in silence while the two heroes are trying to keep their pose. The rest of the class watched the two heroines, and as soon Izumi recognized them, she started gushing.

"Oh my gosh, they're the Wild Wild Pussycats. They're a team of rescue heroes that debuted a long time ago when we were kids." Izumi continued to ramble only for a giant padded paw to shut her mouth.

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