Chapter 34 My Name is Izuku Yagi

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Katsuki was barely conscious while trying to maintain his breath as he was lying on the ground. He tried to grunt and stand but his entire body was in too much pain to move while laying on the ground beaten almost to death. He just couldn't believe what just happened. This can't be real, he refused to believe it but his mind said otherwise. For the first time in his life, he didn't know what to believe anymore.

He tried to convince himself that this isn't real but a nightmare but was forced to accept the harsh truth that's been shown right into his face. He's laying on the ground with his eyes about to close from losing too much blood, and the last thing that he saw was a figure in black covered in flames stepping out from the room, followed by the sounds of screaming in pain and a flash of red light.





Ever since All Might heard the news about his wife being hospitalized just a few days ago, he was devastated. After losing his son, he swore to himself that he wouldn't neglect his family member at all and that he would always offer his help no matter how hard or difficult their problem is.

But when he was patrolling in the city at the night and heard the news about his wife, he felt completely helpless. He should have been there for her, maybe if he was there along with his wife, will the result be different? Will his wife be in the hospital sustaining a third-degree burn on her body?

He kept thinking that perhaps if he was there, then he wouldn't be staring at the monster that was responsible for his wife in their raid. Maybe he would be in one of Tartarus's Cells waiting for his sentence while he and his wife stared at him from the cell door.

He looked at the man that was engulfed in fire as he had to hold the urge to jump ahead and strike him down. But the hero in him screams that justice has to be served. All Might looked at the arsonist as he didn't show any sign of fear like most villains did when faced with him, in fact, he seemed to be pleased. It's as if he's trying to contain his excitement.

Nobody in the room expected something like this to happen in their wildest dream. Even All For One who was watching through the monitor also surprised to see the Burning Man is walked in on the bar like that.

"Why are you here Burning Man? Where's Young Bakugou and the officers that came downstairs?" All Might asked.

However, he simply laughed at him while looking at him, "If you're looking for them, sadly they won't be joining us today unless one of you brought a broom and dustbin to collect their ashes."

Seeing him laugh like that makes All Might grit his teeth in anger, however, he was being held by his mentor, "Settle down Toshinori, he's trying to rile you up."

And suddenly Katsuki walked from the basement looking like he was just get beaten to death, he tried to walk but one of the officers came and tried to pick him up with his shoulder. Katsuki looked at him with a mixture of hatred and fear in his eyes and the Burning Man just doesn't care whether he was there or not.

"Young Bakugou. What happened to you?" All Might asked but he just stand in silence.

"Not to worry All Might, your favorite student is still alive as far as I can tell," he stated which somehow brings a good certainty for All Might to somehow trust his word.

Shigaraki who saw the Burning Man just walking into his bar was baffled. He wondered how this man was able to find and enter this place. So he decided to address him,

"Hey hey, I don't remember inviting you here to Burning Man. How did you find this place anyway?" Shigaraki asked him.

"Wow, it's the Burning Man," Toga said gleefully.

Izuku Yagi: Revenge From HellWhere stories live. Discover now