Chapter 39 Devil of My Word

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Izuku had died. She saw him that day in the alley, where she hug his body which was already cold like ice. She saw him when they dug his grave in the forest where they buried him in hurry. And she saw his body being carried by Midnight and Present Mic that night.

She didn't remember how many nights she cried wallowing in guilt all because of her stupid action. She screamed and cried, begging and hoping that this was all a bad dream, a nightmare. But no matter how much she cried, she could never woke up from the nightmare that was happening.

She spent almost two months mourning in her bedroom, thinking how much of a bitch she was to her brother. Didn't bother to eat or go out, just simply laying in bed while crying her eyes out. Then one day, Katsumi came to her house, saying that they were heading out. She was a bit reluctant at first but Katsumi was being persistent, saying that she need to get her life back together.

So she took her to a small cafe, they went out to eat and simply just spends some time together. Then she told her that what happened that day wasn't her fault alone but all of theirs. Saying that all of them are just equally responsible like her, and she should stop blaming herself like this.

Then suddenly she started to cry saying that it was her fault over and over again. Telling her that she had failed her brother, that she was the one that killed him, that if she's just treated him better then none of this mess would happen in the first place. Katsumi immediately went after her side hugging her, telling her to just let it out completely for her to move on. And she cried that day, releasing all of her emotions that's been buried inside of her.

She vowed that day, that she would be better, that she would become a hero for honoring her brother. To be a hero worthy for everyone. Especially for her brother.

But now, she was met with a phantom of her past. Her brother. Izuku was standing there with both of his hands in his pocket while staring right at her eyes.

"Did you miss me?" he asked in a calm voice.

"I..." Izumi desperately tried to find her voice but it was like her vocal cord had been pulled right from her, "Of course I miss you. There's not a day where I didn't think of you."

However, Izuku merely scoffs at hearing her answer, he let himself in while looking at the classroom to see it was filled with everyone there and everyone has the same expression just like Izumi, filled with terror and disbelief. Some of them had to pinch themself to make sure that they weren't dreaming but what was happening in front of their eyes isn't a dream, but a nightmare.

"Nice to see the gang is here. Although you miss one or two here." Izuku said while looking around.

He looked around and saw everyone was there either standing or sitting in shock as he let himself in. Shoto was in shock seeing him walk in just five feet away from his position. Kaminari, Kirishima, and Tsuyu who were near the door stared in shock, thinking they saw a ghost. Katsumi who tried to go after her just before she opened the door stood in shock while trying to form a word in her mouth. And Katsuki simply sits at his desk with his head down staring at his feet for the first time in his life.

Shoto who was the first to awake from the shock began to speak, "I-Izuku you're-"

"Alive. Yeah, I am." he walked one step closer and Shoto took one step back because his instinct told him to.

"Aw, what's wrong? Is the son of Endeavor shaking in his boots?" Izuku taunts him while raising his eyebrow.

Shoto tried to move or say something but his entire body shut down. He accidentally fell on the floor while staring at his friend. The friend that he crucified just a year ago on this exact same day. He could see flashes of images of what happened that day, where he was impaled on the wall. It's almost like he put a fear of god on him or a devil.

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