Chapter 4 No, You Can't

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Izuku POV

I woke up after having a long day yesterday, I couldn't sleep because of the pain that is still sore on my body and I think that some of my ribs are still broken because of yesterday's beating. My eyes are open and I see a small yellow light that is hanging on the ceiling. The dust on the ceiling is building up and there are a couple of baby cockroaches crawling on the ground as well. While sitting on a mattress floor, I woke up after I heard a loud stomping on the stairs. Guess Izumi just come downstairs to get ready for school.

If you wondering, why I just woke up in a place that looks like a cupboard under the stairs, that's because it's true. Ever since I was diagnosed quirkless, my parents have begun to neglect me. It starts with ignoring him in favor of Izumi, then they forget to cook his meals, and then they forgot to give him an allowance and pay for his education fee. But the worst thing they did was tell him to move out of his own room cause they want to turn his room into a personal gym for Izumi. So they decided to move him to the cupboard under the stairs for temporary, but as time goes temporary has become permanent.

Everything that is happening under this house is always about Izumi. Izumi day, Izumi favorite, Izumi priority, Izumi training, Izumi hero dream, and Izumi future. I'm just living under Izumi's shadow.

"She was born lucky, while I was lucky to be born"

And things haven't gotten better at school either. Izumi and her friend's "lesson" have gotten worse. Their quirk has been stronger and better than before and they just using me as a dummy practice for their quirk. A personal punching bag for the next generation of heroes. I was dispensable as I see it. They didn't even treat me as a person, nothing but dirt on their bottom shoes.

In the last 10 years, I have experienced every type of pain that someone can ever mention. From punches, kicks, bruises, broken arms, broken legs, broken ribs, explosions, burn marks, frostbite, acid burns, stab by a knife, being struck by electricity, claw marks, bleeding ears, being slammed to the ground, getting crushed by a tree and many more. Most people wouldn't be alive right now if they were sitting in my shoes. I still can't believe that I'm alive and breathing at this point. Who knows maybe god is like to have me here, to be his own amusement as he watches from the top.

Those punches and bruises may hurt my body a lot, but that was nothing compared to what I felt a couple of weeks ago.

Flashback Start

I was just walking in some dark alleyway while trying to head home after my daily beating that Bakugou and his Bakusquad just gave me. It was the same thing just like every day, they beat him up in some back alley and use their quirk to keep hitting me and telling me the same thing over and over again like I was a useless piece of shit that I shouldn't be a hero. However this time Bakugou decided to test just how much power his blast can be, and guess who's the lucky boy at the receiving end? Me of course.

They decided to tape both of my legs and arm on some old abandoned building and Kirishima, Kaminari and Bakugou just keep hitting me over and over again. It's like they trying to experiment on what's gonna break first, my body or my spirit? I was barely conscious but I can hear their laughter clearly seeing me in this condition. They don't feel any form of guilt or remorse. Because in their mind, what they did was right.

"Hey Deku, still want to be a hero?" Bakugou asked while smiling maniacally.

I was quiet for a while and trying to catch my breath.

"Hey, answer our question you stupid nerd," said Kaminari while slapping my cheek.

"...... I....I-I'll n-never give up. You h-hear me." I answered while trying to hold the pain in my chest.

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