Chapter 30 Fight or Flight

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After many years of doing exercise and morning routine, a habit that Katsuki had to develop is that he always wakes up early than others. It was still four in the morning and everyone is still asleep, but Katsuki wasn't feeling all great as usual, in fact, the bags under his eyes said otherwise.

Katsuki is washing his face in the bathroom as he looked at his reflection in the mirror. He was feeling tired and under a lot of stress, not feeling like his usual self. Normally he would use this time to go for a jog or to get some early morning exercise, but he was feeling all stressed out to do any of those things.

He looked at his reflection in the mirror while remembering what happened a couple of days before the Training Camp started.

Flashback Start

Katsuki was currently sitting in a sofa chair in a middle of an office. He glanced around the room while flickering his eyes from one way to another. He was currently sitting in the office of Might Tower with Toshinori Yagi, who is also known as All Might.

It's been near to two months since the Sports Festival ended and he kept seeing Deku's ghost in his life no matter where he go. He keeps seeing him in his room or in his house or in his classroom or during one of his training. He kept rambling about telling him that he wasn't a hero at all and that he was better to be put down like the dog he is or just appearing and trying to mess with his head and get him in the trouble.

At first, he just brushed it off thinking that Izumi's punch might be giving him a concussion or something. But he never did recover and his ghost keep appearing in his head over and over again. His mind is starting to lose and sometimes he gets a bit paranoid while kept looking at his back over time.

He clenched his fist as he stared at the floor, he didn't know who else to come to and see that his parents weren't the first option considering their relationship, his next best option is going to his friend's father, who also happens to be the father of his hallucination ghost.

It took him about fifteen minutes to explain what happened to Katsuki as he told him everything from when he appeared in the infirmary at the Sports Festival when he woke up, during the train ride for his internship, his encounter at Best Jeanist agency, where he punches him in the face on the gym, and during his final test when he suggested to abandon Izumi and go straight attack him all to prove that he was the best.

Toshinori was looking as if Katsuki had gone mental or something while his mouth is agape.

The kid that was already buried in the cemetery about a year ago all because of his negligence along with her wife is coming back and appearing inside of Katsuki's head as a ghost to haunt him while messing with his head, something that most adults would find that funny and thinking that it was just a joke. But Toshinori Yagi found this was no joke or a laughing matter at all.

And finally, after Katsuki was done finishing telling him his story, it took a moment for Toshinori to sink the information and process it. But he finally open his mouth.

"You... You've been having hallucinations of my son?" Toshinori asked while looking surprised and he nodded.

"Young Bakugou, are you absolutely sure about this? If this is your idea of a joke then you better stop right now." Toshinori told him calmly while thinking that the boy that stands in front of him is telling a sick joke.

"What? N-No I'm telling you the truth. I saw him, he kept popping out of nowhere and keep bugging me all the time." Katsuki looked at the man sitting right next to him.

"Okay, just let me ask something, the ghost of my son, when did he first appear?" Toshinori asked.

"Back in the Sports Festival," he said.

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