Chapter 52 Devil's Bible

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After they learned of what happened in the Todoroki household, all of the UA staff were arriving at the household, but they were too late as all that was left is the front entrance on fire and their youngest on the floor with a knife stabbing on his palm on the wall. They immediately report to Nezu and remain on high alert, as they began to mobilize all of their resources to begin a search for the missing student, Shoka Todoroki.

Endeavor is currently doing patrol along with some of his sidekicks to search the entire city, to look for his youngest daughter while his family are kept hiding for their safety purpose, except with Shoto. He immediately being transferred to the hospital to tend to the injury on his left hand.

But the biggest shock for all of them is that Izuku did all of that just to lure her out of the school. He knew that they were living in UA in the dorm room but he didn't know which dorm to look and UA is a huge establishment. So he create a huge diversion to lure the students out and kidnapped her.

They were tricked. Not just the students but the rest of the staff as well. They thought that Izuku would be in the building, waiting for a chance to fight with the heroes or even try to hunt his classmates at once. But turns out, all he wanted was to take one of them, whether it was to prolong their suffering or not, it actually worked.

The rest of class 1A is left sitting in the living room as they are still left oblivious about what's happening, especially with the bomb-threatening call. They were trying to be optimistic, but the gloomy atmosphere and the uncomfortable silence in the room isn't bringing much certainty.

"I can't believe that Izuku did all of this just to make a prank on all of us," Katsumi spoke quietly while crossing her arm on her chest.

"He played us all very well. We're nothing but a chess piece for him to move however he pleased." Ojiro looked down clutching his fist in anger and frustration.

The rest of them is following the same as they have no idea what to do.

"So where's Shoto? Is he okay?" Mina asked the class hoping that one of them is able to provide an answer.

"I don't know much. He hasn't given us any info since he went to his house." Iida said that some of the class is relieving after hearing that information.

"The rest of the teacher isn't giving us much info too you know," Toru said complaining about the situation.

"It couldn't be helped. The more we know, the worst it might get, considering what happened to them." Jirou told her.

Then the doorknob of their front door is turned. Everyone quickly looked around, hearts pounding as Shoto entered the room.

"Shoto, thank god you're-" Katsumi then caught sight of his hand and paled, "What happened to your hand?"

The rest of them looked a bit closer and cringed slightly. He looked like he had just got beaten up by some robber on his way here. His face was bruised along with his arm. The shirt he wears when he left the school had a burned hole on his right shoulder with some burn marks on his skin. But the one thing that everyone immediately noticed is the bandage that was wrapping his left hand with a blood stain on it. Immediately, everyone went high alert seeing the dried blood.

"Shoto, what happened?" Izumi gasped seeing him like that. Kaminari and Tokoyami who was sitting close to the front door immediately went to his front side as well looking at the dual-haired colored boy.

However, the dual-haired boy is still standing there not giving them any answer at all. His once warm bright eye had left with emptiness as if he was nothing but an empty shell.

"Shoto. What happened? Is your sister okay?" Jirou asked looking at him as he winced hearing her asking about Shoka's condition.

"He..." the rest of them immediately went silent hearing Shoto spoke. All of the attention was on him, looking at his distraught face filled with sadness and regret. He spoke while he breathes heavily.

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