Chapter 31 Fog of War

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Shoto is looking mortified as he looked at Katsuki's hand smoking from the use of his quirk. He hadn't felt this much horror since the night in the alley and now he was feeling the same emotion all over again. Fear, horror, overwhelm. He wasn't prepared to feel this kind of feeling again and after a long time, he thought that he would never have to feel so helpless as he was before, but now those feelings came to haunt him once more.

"Katsuki... what have you done?" Shoto asked him.

However, Katsuki didn't give him any response while standing in silence not looking at the dual-haired boy as he stared at his hands that won't stop shaking.

"Katsuki." Shoto called him once more.

And just like before, he didn't respond.

"Katsuki-" Shoto called him again.

"SHUT UP HALF AND HALF!!" Katsuki shouts to him.

Katsuki was breathing hard as he stared at the villain who was being blasted near his foot. The villain squirm in pain as his entire body is hit with a point-blank explosion. He looked at both of his hands that are shaking after using his explosion and he realized that he just hurt someone. Not by an accident but by his own two hands, and it's all Deku's fault.

Katsuki just blasts off while running using his quirk to propel himself ignoring Shoto's calls for his name. While he was running into the deep forest, he was thinking about what just happened, he didn't intend to injure him or put his life on the brink of death.

But he was a villain

And he's a hero

And it's his job to defeat the villain

So it's not his fault

He's just doing his job as a hero, by beating those villains.

He was trying to catch up his breath in the woods when suddenly Deku appeared next to him looking at his face.

"So that occurred," Deku said. "Why do you look so distress Kacchan?"

Katsuki looked at him while glaring right through his soul, he blames him for this small part of guilt that he felt for hurting that villain, "This is your fault Deku."

Deku raised his eyebrows as he looked at Katsuki, "Me?"

"Yeah, if you had just shut your pie hole, that villain won't have to die right there," he said while trying to catch his breath after running from the scene.

"Wait are you actually blaming me for this, I just practically save your life by helping you make the right choice and this is the thanks that I get?" Katsuki looked at him as if he had just grown a second head.

"What do you mean?" he pushes the matter.

"If I didn't push you into walking through that battle then what would have happened? Shoto gonna run out of stamina and get hypothermia for overusing his quirk and then that teeth monster gonna killed him and then it's your turn. It's a fog of war Kacchan, you did what you had to do. It's that simple." Deku calmly told him while showing his smile.

As much as Katsuki hates to admit it, Deku does have a point. If he just sit silently while listening to half and half plan, then both of them would be dead right now. He's just doing his job as a hero. By beating the villain, just like how All Might would do it. He won't admit it but he was making the right call by listening to Deku's words.

"This forest isn't a training exercise anymore, it's a real-life survival battle with villains invading this place. The question is are you a hunter or a prey Kacchan?" Deku whispered to him and Katsuki just showed his maniacally grin while popping out the explosion in his hands.

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