Chapter 40 The Devil vs The Tormentor

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Izuku step forward as he stared at Katsuki. The cold wind breeze flows toward the night and the air feels tense around them. He looked at his expression filled with anger and fury and he enjoyed every second that he could get.

Izuku took one step forward and Katsuki was getting pissed with every second.

"Now, surely you're not afraid of little old Deku right?" Izuku said while grinning.

"You wish, I'm gonna fuck you up big time Deku. When I'm done with you, you're gonna wish that you were still dead." Katsuki cracks his knuckle.

Meanwhile, in the classroom, everyone was forced to watch what's gonna happen between them. Each of them was on the edge of their seat.

"Nezu, we have to do something." Toshinori pleads to the principal.

"Yeah, Izuku could get hurt." Inko cried her eyes out.

"Are you two seriously haven't wake up yet?" Aizawa said behind them.

Both of the Yagi's turned their head to see Aizawa who was watching both of them.

"Right now, Izuku is alone with Bakugou and who knows what is gonna happened to him."

"I know Aizawa, that's why we had to stop Young Bakugou," Toshinori told him.

"It's the other way around, you idiot." Aizawa looked at the screen, "Izuku isn't trapped with Bakugou. It's the other way around."

As both of them stared at each other, Izuku raised his hand and points it at Katsuki and suddenly a flame spiraled on Katsuki's side and a briefcase appear on the ground. Katsuki looked at the case that was laying on his side and he recognize it. It was his hero's suitcase.

"What's the meaning of this?" Katsuki looked at his hero costume.

"Your gear, I don't want any excuse when you lose." Izuku points at his suitcase.

"You think that I'm gonna lose against a quirkless shit like you?" Katsuki laughed thinking that he could beat him.

"We don't want to hear your excuse right? Besides I want to fight you at your one hundred percent." Izuku claimed.

"You're dead Deku. And I'm gonna make sure of that." Katsuki opened his case and saw his full gear intact.

He checked to see any kind of tampering with his gear and found none, so he wore his gear full including his gauntlet. And after a few minutes, Katsuki already wore his full hero costume and looked at him.

"Why are you giving me this anyway?" Katsuki looked at him wondering why is he giving him such a handicap.

"Thought it should be buried for good, along with you," Izuku said and that's all it took to make Katsuki see red.

Izuku stared at Katsuki while his hand is shaking, but it was filled with excitement. Finally, he could get his revenge and it started with him first. He couldn't imagine how many beatings he had to endure because of this son of a bitch. The beating, the humiliation, the torture. Finally, he could get his hand on this son of a bitch and make him feel a fraction of what he had to endure.

"I must say that I'm glad to see you alive Deku, 'cause I get to send you back personally myself." Katsuki spat while cracking his explosion to taunt him.

"You're the one that put us in this situation, Bakugou. Guess your parent didn't teach you how to be a human." Izuku mocked him.

"You piece of shit, you've gone cocky since you got that quirk of yours," Katsuki said, "Looks like all of that beating hasn't penetrated your thick skull."

"10 years Bakugou!!!" Izuku yelled, "Let's finish this."

Both of them stood right in front of each other eyeing each other, waiting for the other to make the first move. The first one to move is Katsuki, as he launched himself to the front with his quirk and charges ahead. He swings his right hook only to be caught by Izuku while he flips him on his back. He groaned in pain as his back hit the pavement on the ground.

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