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Spring seemed to arrive suddenly that year. The morning was crisp and golden as an apple, and sakura flowers were a breeze right in the city. Normally this would be the season where most people would sit back and enjoy the view. But for Japan, it's not all a fun and happy place.

Smoke rose into the sky along with the sun the morning after the attack. An eerie calm fell over Japan, perhaps even the world, as the devastation came to light. Even the news seemed hesitant to report on it. Although it was impossible to keep such a large-scale onslaught a secret, there were too many conflicting statements to give proper coverage. Plus, the shock of what had occurred was too great, the loss too great, the fear insurmountable.

It's been three weeks since the war raged on Minato and half of the city. About one of the third part of the city is wasted with multiple destructions in the area. Hundreds of businesses had to shut down and went bankrupt. Heroes are starting to retire from left and right, unable to withstand the slander from the media and public but mostly because they didn't sign up to fight with major league villains such as the Outcast of Hell.

The media around the world began to slander the heroes of Japan asking about their involvement in the creation of Izuku Yagi who's known as the leader of the group but also as All Might and Viridian Storm children who are later once married to the Dragon Hero, Salamander. Reporters from around the world wanted an answer, and shouting and riots occurred across the city demanding that the public had the right to know about such news.

The HPSC top management has been detained and almost every one of them is being fired from their job and awaiting their trial. Some of them had been caught for embezzlement of HPSC funds and being detained by the authorities. Right now, the whole structure of heroes is hanging by the skin of their teeth but few of them are working on picking up the pieces.

Toshinori and Inko Yagi who had escaped from their safe house were immediately captured by the authority that's led by Eraserhead and Gran Torino. Their unauthorized involvement with the battle had been addressed and they had been placed in Tartarus Prison until further notice. Toshinori who was resisting the arrest yelled out that what he did is for the good of people in Japan but both Eraserhead nor Gran Torino didn't pay him any attention knowing that he was just spewing bullshit.

The whole world is still processing up until today thinking that all of this destruction started and originated from the Number One hero in Japan himself that's creating this dystopia that's happening in their city. Sure there are a lot of people who played a part in his creation, but All Might who's known as the Symbol of Peace is the bigger target the media is aiming for and all of the responsibility falls under his shoulders.

As for Izuku, his body is already being moved from the lobby in Might Tower where he's frozen completely. A few of the heroes who were close to the scene that day managed to help move him from there and loaded his body onto a transport cart. Some of them looked flabbergasted seeing his horrid condition frozen like that. Right now, he's being put in a secret location that's only known to a selected few people.





Five black SUVs are driving down the middle of a snow-covered trail, with spikes on each of their wheels. Despite the snowstorm and slippery road conditions, the drivers are making their way to their destination without any issues. Most drivers would avoid this type of weather, but these five cars seem to be completely unfazed.

Soon they arrived at what appeared to be a black site building covered in concrete guarded by a dozen armed men with guns at the front entrance. It's called the Ice Box, the black site prison owned by the world government. The high-security prison appears to be located in the middle of the Arctic about ten kilometers from the mainland, surrounded by giant walls. The only access to the prison is a giant entrance guarded by eight armed guards that check every vehicle going in asking for an ID of verification and a retinal scan of the people who had access.

Izuku Yagi: Revenge From HellWhere stories live. Discover now