Chapter 6 He's Gone

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Izumi POV

After I cried to my brother's lifeless body yesterday, Katsuki and Shoto decided that we should hide Izuku's body somewhere safe so people wouldn't find out about what happened. I wanted to confess to my parents what we did to Izuku, but Katsuki said that if we did confess what happened, then we can say goodbye to our dream to be a hero. As much as I hate to admit it, Katsuki did have a valid point. If people were to find out that the daughter of the symbol of peace killed her brother then there's no way any hero school was ever gonna let them in, not even UA.

So we decided to take Izuku's body to a forest and buried his body there in a hurry. We marked the grave with an insignia in case we ever need to visit him in the future. And when we're done burying my brother, Katsuki tells the rest of us that we cannot let anyone find out about what happened here. If people asked, then we just tell them we don't know what happened. I can tell that some of them are not satisfied with Katsuki's plan but they still decided to go along with it, because they don't want to jeopardize their hero career.

I just walked in silence after hearing Katsuki's plan and headed to my home. Katsuki wants to call me out, but I can tell that he decided to hold his tongue and just let me process my mind.

When I walked down to my neighborhood, they greet me as usual while giving me praise and wishing me good luck for my UA entry exam. However, I didn't give them any reply and just walk in silence while looking at the ground.

I opened the front and just head upstairs to my room. Without even turning on the light, my body just falls to my bed while I just sobbing uncontrollably. I want to say how sorry I am, that I would want to rebuild the broken bonds that we had before, I want us to go back to where we still being a sibling, where we still have fun together just the two of us. But it was too late, as he was already dead.









I woke up from my bed with a heavy feeling inside of me. My eyes are already dry from crying too much. I just cried to my sleep while still trying to get the image of my brother out of my head.

I felt miserable right now, the house feeling empty without the presence of my brother. But then again, I had no right to say that as I had never paid attention to him in the last years. I didn't even have any good memories with my brother, as I tried to remember every vacation, every outing, every movie night, or even a simple dinner time. There's no Izuku anywhere in those memories. Just me and my parents, while he's nowhere to be found in those photos.

The fact that my parents neglected my brother just because of a simple quirk test is driving me to the boiling point. How could a parent just leave their child in the dark? No child should ever feel that, let alone her brother. And yet here we are.

My mom came upstairs knocking on my door telling me that breakfast is ready. But I simply say that I'm not hungry. If I decided to eat right now, I feel like I was gonna vomit the moment food enters my mouth.

I just weep in silence while hoping that all of this is just a dream, a nightmare. That I would wake up in my room and I got up and headed downstairs and I saw my parents but this time Izuku is there. He greets me with his signature smile and asks me about my day. But that's never gonna happen.

Cause he's gone.

Inko POV

I just finished cooking breakfast and right now I'm preparing it for Izumi's big day. Today is Izumi's birthday and also the day that Toshinori is gonna give One for All to Izumi. I've made sure to invite all of Izumi's friends and family, The Bakugou and Todoroki family, Aizawa, Nezu, the entire UA staff, Recovery Girl, Gran Torino, Naomasa Tsukauchi, and Sir Nighteye. I've prepared a big feast for tonight's party and the house is gonna be packed with guests for Izumi's big day. Everything has to be perfect.

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